Thursday, March 12, 2015

"Danger Will Robinson".............

It may seem like spring out there but it is not.  The tree has no real buds on it yet that it would have if it were spring.  Buds of powdery growth falls to the ground as the buds break open.  I quoted the words "Danger Will Robinson" because of the ensuing dropping of limbs. I watched an old "Lost in Space" show on tv when I was a kid that had a robot that followed the young boy around on their adventures.  The robot would sound an alarm of danger to Will Robinson when he thought the boy was in trouble and could be hurt.

If you look closely there is a broken limb that has fallen into the tree branches.  The old section of the tree to the right has a lot of dead material on it.  When we have a thunderstorm this spring or summer a lot of that will fall to the ground.  It usually drops straight down so I am not worried about it falling on the house.  Falling on people could be a worry if they are out in the rainstorm. I am considering taking the tree down, I hate that I have to, but it may come down during the fall.  It would give the squirrels a little time to relocate and also the racoon that lives there in the winter to go away from the area.

 We received a surprise in the mail a couple of days ago with a few photos.  AJ has turned 2 years old now and they took official pictures of him.  They are such great shots.  I will share individually some later on as I get some editing done.

After finishing my blogging job yesterday two adult Eurasian Collared-doves flew into the feeder area.  They have been seen feeding off the top tray of the feeder in years past but not this time.  They were scavenging the patio floor.

 Along with the two adults a juvenile dove flew in, helping itself to some seed.  I had noticed the day before that there was a lot of sounds of the doves coming from the neighbor's walnut trees but thought I had not seen them in the yard this past few weeks.  They did come yesterday and all three had some good seeds to eat. I shared photos on my Photo a Day blog today also.

A final shot of a small potted rose that I picked up at the Walmart.  It was reduced to nothing in price and I immediately replanted it into real soil. The bloom looks dead as that it what it is. I think that once it normalizes in real soil that it will maybe give me some real red blooms. They had many of these leftover after Valentines Day and I am sure that most of them got tossed in the garbage.  They didn't look very good the few days after the V-Day.

I have a two day sub assignment for the last two days of the week.  It is spring break next week and the teacher had to leave a couple of days early.  It is high school English with all upper grade students. It will make me be glad that spring break is going to happen.

 Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We've had collared doves too. Amazing how they've spread from Florida all the way to Alaska. My birding buddy says there in the process of refilling the passenger pigeon niche...:) Maybe.

  2. Great photos of AJ he is growing up so fast! Spring should have sprung for you the past few days.:)

  3. AJ looks so happy and very cute.
    The doves look soft with their
    gray color.
    And I have a Daffodil about to bloom.

  4. I like to rescue plants too. Often they do surprisingly well.
