Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wednesday's Wanderings.......

The yucca plant is putting out new leaves.  It is hard to believe that the ground is still semi frozen and it can grow. The dead leaves will be removed a little later as it gets to be closer to summer.

This is a close up of my retreating glacier.  It is full of leaves and is very soft, snow- cone like snow right now.

The glacier is actually the last of the two foot high snow bank that was sitting here.  The curve of the snow is the shape of the front of my car as the snow blew over the car and landed in the space in front of it. I would expect this snow to be gone today with it being close to 70 degrees F.  today.

This is the before shot I took two days ago and I will share the after shot below.

The snow is looking like this as of yesterday afternoon.  The shade of the fence keeps it around longer but the warm temps will eliminate it soon.  I know it will be another month before the daylillies will be blooming.  Also there are daffodils here and a bleeding heart plant to sprout up from its winter sleep. I have a new iris planted here and moved a rose bush here, so there will be lots to see as spring develops.

Back inside again you can see the tomato sprouts are doing well.  No third leaf has formed yet so I won't be moving them into any bigger containers for a while.  I like that part of our day the furnace shuts down as the outside temps are so great that we don't need the furnace. It helps keep the plants from drying out so quickly.

The squirrels sometimes lets the birds feed at the feeder.  It is warm enough now that I may have to quit feeding anybody.  I like being a food source for some of the birds but competition with the squirrels gets to be tiring.  I see morning doves flying around near by but they don't come to the feeders.

I DID SEE A ROBIN (THRUSH) YESTERDAY. I don't have any picture proof at this fact  but robins are hard to shoot at this early spring time.  They will be established soon and I can get a good shot of them.  I wonder if they will put another nest up where they had been last year.

It is going to be another easy going day for us.  I return to the classroom for Thursday and Friday to finish off the week.  It will be spring break at school so I will have the next week off from any real job duties.  We don't quite know how to handle these warm days.  It still gets down to high 30 degrees F.  at night and then warm up to close to 70 each day.  I suppose air conditioning season is around the corner.  Thank you for checking in today on the wild world at Woodward.  Everyone take good care of yourselves.


  1. Looks looks Spring is in the air around your place Larry !
    Our temps have been milder this week, bringing with it rain and flooding....oh dear.
    Yes, it always amazes me how just below the surface of that cold snow and ice, flowers are stirring :)
    Have a wonderful day Larry.

  2. So happy to see your snow going away! Spring will be welcome everywhere!

  3. Thank you, Larry, for your kind words on my blog. I would love to see a Red Cardinal, and have loved these birds ever since they appeared on two of the cards in our childhood Pelmanism game!
