Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday Will Last all Day

I have many snow scenes but picasa must think this is a winner.  They put this frame on it and gave the colors a little special treatment. I have the regular shot in the file and this duplicate shows up along side of it.  I suppose they maybe think I will buy it as a card.  Squirrels are on my negative creatures in the yard list.  I know I would go to the buffet rather than wait in line at the McDonald's but it was ridiculous yesterday as to how four squirrels devoured it all.  They start on one tray and then work up to the second tray.  If the one is too full, the next squirrel will take over.  They do everything in sequence except for doing the tag team hand touch as they switch off the job.

Looking up my unshoveled sidewalk you can see many tracks.  The shine on the snow is the reflection of the snow.  On a warmer day the top of the snow melted a little and then refroze to make a hard top surface.You can also see all the creatures that walk up and down the area.

I think that there is an impression of a meter reader going up through the area.  They usually don't walk sidewalks and those boot prints are too large to be my prints. The electric meter is the only one that we have that is not done by computer and a scanner wand.  The water and the natural gas both have scanners that allows them either to walk by and click the scanner or as with the water they drive by and scan it.

You all must be like family as I am willing to share the junky side of my shed.  I have things that were left out and they stayed out because it snowed.  I like this view but do need to put stuff away.  I need to put up a barn to hold it all. 

I was called late today around 8:00 as a substitute cancelled out today.  I am in the same math room as before but it is better.  The worse classes have tests to take so they will behave for that.  Nothing has to be taught on test day.  It is too late if they didn't learn it.

Weather is talked about a lot now and we do seem to be looking on the upside of things.  The line is right down the middle of  Iowa and we are on the "warming up" side. For those who are on the east side of this it is going to come your way in a few days.  We are getting all this warm air from the southwest and their temperatures are so much better than ours.  It will be one of those days when we go from really cold to a warmer milder day.  I think we will lose some of our snow today.

My wife is better.  That doesn't mean she is over it but she is improving since the begging of it.  She might go with me to the Wally mart today to pick up some supplies so she can get out of the house.  Thank you for stopping by on this Friday.  


  1. So glad she is feeling better, and the Wally Mart is just the trip to cheer her up. LOL
    The Bennie takes me often.

  2. Good to hear Della is a bit better! Yes it is warmer here too almost 30 F today!! I will take it! You have a great weekend! :)

  3. Glad your wife is feeling better. Hope you both are doing well and have a good weekend!

  4. Thankful that Della is better. We have not seen squirrels at our home. I know they can be really pesky - they got in the attic of one home we owned!
    We pruned our rose bushes in anticipation of nicer weather. You two take care of yourselves.
