Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thursday is Garbage Day.......

They are sprouting and they look pretty sad at this first stage of their lives.  I would have to look back in the past blogs to see when I planted them but they did germinate quit fast.  From my thoughts in my memory banks I planted them in the last week of February.

A blogger friend planted her tomatoes a week before but she explained that the need to get tomatoes to the farmers market for sale meant she had to get them in as soon as possible.  Mine were hurried because the neighbors want to plant too darn early. I gave them small skinny things last year and they planted them and they grew anyway.

As I wait for the weather to be better I have been taking photos inside of various things.  This set of shelves is a catch all for things that eventually will be placed in final storage or in the dump.  I knew a person who had built a fancy expensive house and it had a store room right off of its living room for things like this.  It was also for all of her seasonal decorations. It was a walk in closet, big room with everyday wood shelves lining all of the walls holding hundreds of stuff.  With the door shut, one would think it was a clothes closet.  I guess she wanted it handy even though I would have placee it at the back of the house. 

 I forgot that I had a second barrel cactus in this pot.  It isn't watered much and stays in the bird's room.  The dead cactus that you see on the right of it needs to be pulled out of the pot but I won't be using my bare hand for that.  It looks like a baby cactus of the same variety is growing up from its base. Some of those spines can pierce through cloth gloves so I will be looking for plies for that job.

The variety of cactus on the left is the one we had when I was a kid.  I think that was handed down and around to neighbors.  You could just stick it into soil and watch it grow. Watering was optional. It was a fascinating thing to a young farm boy down on the farm in southern Iowa.

I was going to sub today for the art teacher's sub and she changed her mind.  The young girl was filling in for the new mother art teacher.  The young girl was out interviewing and doesn't have to anymore.  She landed a job in Waukee a larger school than ours.  So I didn't have to go to work today.  It is a good thing.  My wife is improving but it will be a while before she is through with this virus.  One doctor told a friend that it would take 10 days to be well again.  I don't think we are that far away from the 10th day and my wife will need some more time.  Coughing is still hard but a whole lot less.  She finds herself not having to be sitting up so much when she sleeps.  Time and and the body will just be the two things needed to get through this.

We had -2.5 F. degrees this morning and it will get warmed up to 15 degrees today.  Then we are to start to turn the corner.  I hope they finally get it right this time.  Thank you for hanging around today and everyone take care.


  1. Next week about Wed it will be in the 50's are so they say. It will be nice to spring forward Sunday in time.

  2. Your tomatoes are up! Thanks for the get well wishes for Far Guy. One day at a time. I am looking forward to that warm weather. Chance and I just came in from a round of playing ball and it was cold out there in the wind:(

  3. Fun to see your seedling's progress. I pray your wife will feel much better soon. Hope you guys have a warm up this weekend. We have rain this evening.

  4. Though I don't care much for the desert I have a cacti collection as well. Propagating, carefully, has even lead me to selling some on Craigs List...

  5. They may look a bit scraggly now, but within a few weeks (maybe less) your seedlings will be looking better. And, we will enjoy seeing your tomatoes this summer, Larry. Hope your wife is improving every day.
