Saturday, March 7, 2015

Sunny and Bright........

Looking the other way as the angle waits for the warmer weather.  He stayed out on the porch all winter not really getting much weather effects to bother him.

I shared a similar shot on my Photo a Day blog of the blue boy being forced to incline from all the snow piled on to him from the street workers. In another month the daylilies will be showing up here on the corner and the hollyhocks will have foliage popping through the ground.

It looks about the same and yet the most of the seeds have now sprouted.  Also the plants are too tall for the plastic clear lid.  I have them sitting in the morning sun... I had a few cells that had not shown any sprouting and I realized they were bone dry on the corners. That should make things work better.

Jack Sparrow is busy keeping his flock in order.  He likes me coming in to visit him as I am in more often to visit the tomato plants and move them around through out the day.  He has been promised a much large cage in the near future.

It is Saturday and I am glad.  I hope everyone is encouraged out there as the warm front keeps spreading eastward.  We were on the edge of it yesterday and I see it is projected to make it to the eastern coastline soon.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We got out for the first time this week. They have cleaned the main roads well but slow driving getting to them. Warm and sunshine today.

  2. We had bright sun today after lots of rain. We are beginning to see signs of life in the yard, slowly but surely!

  3. I kinda miss having birds but not cleaning cages:) WE had sunshine today, I washed two outside windows that Chance puts his nose prints on...the walk is all clear of snow and most of the patio...soon I can move out a few plastic chairs:)
