Sunday, March 8, 2015

Hanging in There.....

The hairy woodpecker was enjoying the last of the suet cake.  I will pick a new one today as they could use more food until it really warms in the area.  I do hear the peckers banging at the old silver maple trees.  I suppose the bug activity is starting with it being close to spring.  Visit my Photo a Day blog to see the woodpecker giving me a statue like pose.

I received the figurine when I was young.  Now it fits me more as I age closer to the bald headed man.  The little dog is checking things out also while the boy and girl keep an eye on the toymaker.

We were warmer this morning with it being just 31 degrees F. It is going to be much warmer today even though northern Iowa did receive snow showers this morning.

It is Sunday and it will be an easier going day.  I hope to get a nap in this afternoon.  My wife is better each day but she is staying home from Sunday school again today.  I will pick up both classes and keep everyone covered.  

 I hope that weather problems out there will start to even out as the earth keeps tipping to give us more sunshine.  I miss my lost hour of sleep but I will survive.  Thanks for stopping in to my post today.


  1. This photo of the woodpecker is how we get to see him. Your photo of the day lets us see him as a different little bird. Nice Photo!

  2. An afternoon nap sounds good. I pray that Della will continue to improve. This is a cute figurine. Love the curious puppy. We woke to 24 and it is 69 currently.

  3. I love the little woodpeckers -- nice capture. I see them often but have trouble getting a picture.
