Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday Again!

Returning to the photos that I took the other day of my mom's and dad's treasures I will show this close view of the 3 cent stamp. The true laborer is one with large pecks who has worked very hard at whatever job he does. At first it looks like he has no shirt on which is traditional when you see sculptures of the common laborer.  This guy just has a tight t shirt  on so you can see his muscles and that he has worked hard.  I remember the 3 cent stamps back in the 50's and maybe early 60's.  I don't have any facts on that but did collect some stamps for a while off of lots of old envelopes.

The small box inside of the larger box was a mystery to me.  Once opened I found high school senior graduation name cards.  My mom's card was on the top. She graduated from Osceola High School in 1937.

As I scattered them out I recognizes last names of people of the area of Clarke County.  The woman's last names that I recognized meant I know their brothers last name or parent's last names.  Some of the guys names were ones that I did know.  All  those people would be gone by now.  In my mom's later years, her class got together every year to eat out and to enjoy their memories and catch up on their individual family's lives to share. Just as I said they are all gone, I bet there are a handful that are still meeting from her class. I have stacks of group photos of them as they took one each year they met.  I think they were down to 20 or less when my mom died in 2008.  I know that she had over a 100 people in her class when she graduated.

My mom's card here on top shows that she must have had graduation cards to send out.  I think that one of the real thing is somewhere in all the pile of stuff in the upstairs storeroom.  I do remember that I had an almost  box full of my names leftover from graduation.  It was a good business for the printers to have you buy them to complete the info for the graduation announcement.

We will lose a lot more snow today.  This sidewalk from a past picture is now completed cleared of snow.  The last couple of days took off the most of the flat open areas of snow.  The ditches and piles of snow are still around but may be gone in a couple of days.

We are having a quiet day at home today and hope it helps for both of us to build up in the rest department.  My wife is better and each day she appears stronger.  Things are turning around a lot for her.  It is the time when the strength has to be brought back to normal after a long siege. I am hoping that the two last days of this week will be the only days that I have to work for the week.  They have been schedule for me to do for a long time.  Spring break follows on Friday so it will be nice to have a good break.  Everyone out there take care and have a good day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Love the pin ,sure it was your mothers. We have a lot of the Bennies mother's costume jewelry,
    there are lots of pins.

  2. Thankful your wife is better and I do hope you both have a nice week. I have my aunt, Mildred's, graduation card. Found it in a box of bits and pieces from a drawer in my grandparents' home. Glad your snow is melting. We are at 72 today with clouds and occasional drizzle.

  3. If that county your Mom used to live in has a Historical Museum that includes High School Memories I bet they would love those old card and photographs. I know our museum in town looks for old high school "stuff" for the High School memory Room.
