Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday's Here.........

I snapped a shot of the weather off of the tv in the afternoon yesterday.  The numbers up there have changed completely overnight as they are now saying upper 60's and the 70's for the rest of the week.  I suppose while we were sleeping they think we don't or won't  remember what they have forecast the day before. I will take the new temperatures gladly.

Snow in the shade on the north side of the fence and house will be the last to go.  You can see the snow is melting away from the ceramic house. I see behind it is the T rose that I mistakenly bought for a couple of bucks last summer.  It will be dead to the world this spring.  In the back of my mind I was going to dig it and bring it into the basement.  That did not happen.

We have snow remaining where the drifts had been formed.  They are melting quickly and should be gone by Wednesday.  I do see sprouts of green in this area where the new iris had been planted.  They seem to tolerate severe temps and like the snow for moisture.  I need to move that pitchfork to be sure it isn't sitting on any iris plants.

I took this shot this way but it does look like it is sideways. The area here has the iris coming up in the leaves.  That is one reason why I don't rake off everything in the fall as it does cover things for the winter.

Moss grows in certain place in the yard and at this time of the year it is especially a good green to see. The fall leaves are putting out red brown spots in the photo.

As I was out putting new suet on the feeder a flock of waterfowl birds flew over me.  It was a sound of bird, a black bird, that I have never heard before.  I don't know it is was a shore bird or a small duck.  One can always hear the honking of Canada geese but this sound was like a chattering of birds.  They were in a v shape but it was a wider, spread out one.  I will never know probably but it was neat to see and hear.  Warm days today and we both are feeling better.  I have carried something for a few days which isn't much to talk about but my wife slept through the whole night without coughing to wake her.

 It will be another day for us to stay inside unless the 70's F. makes us go outside on the patio for a while.  I hope the Easterners and North folk are warming up.  My kids in Maine have been through a lot of snowfalls this winter and they are starting to melt a little.   Everyone take care and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Well, it's warmer temperatures here, but still a foot of snow on the ground!

  2. Glad to see your meltdown, Larry. We are having a week of warmer temps in NH but not in the 70s, only as high as 50 in the daytime and still lots of snow to melt.
