Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Caught in a Bad Place........

The tulip sits behind my dog fencing and up against the honeysuckle shrubs.  The only thing I can do is take it's photo and really can clear away the mess that it grew into with the dead sticks and trunk of one of the honeysuckles.  It makes for an interesting informal photo showing the great colors of this tulip.

The pear tree isn't a great looking tree but this year I am covered with blooms. The bees, which I have seen in real, are all over the tree.  I can't seem to get a photograph of them but I did have a burst of memory to use my macro setting. I had to prune back a lot of this tree as the bottom branches were filled with fruit the last couple of years and the limbs broke off. I don't think I have seen this in such full bloom for 4 or 5 years.

I was bragging about all the blooms on the apple tree last week but I was too early to say it.  As you can see it developed many more blooms than ever before.  I think it was three years ago we had frost that took out every blossom.  It was on the apple tree that I saw bees buzzing around from flower to flower.

Here is another progress photo of my bleeding heart plant.  It is in the shade a lot of the day so it will take it a while to fully bloom out.  I noticed yesterday that it could use some water. We are getting small rains and I could help it out a little with a bucket of water.  My new wheel barrow sits under the eave of the garden shed and I have a lot of water in it to use. When it gets closer to mosquito time I won't be able to leave it out.  I am hearing that the ticks are out and about in the timbers already.  I suppose all the mushroom hunters are picking off ticks when the return inside.

I have a half day of work today so I will be heading in at noon.  It is an early dismissal day so it won't be a strenuous day.  I may have a little work to do for others after the 2:15 dismissal but maybe not.

I hope everyone is having a better spring and that green grass will come you way.  I need to mow and will do so in shifts the next few days.  My neighbors shame me by having mowed twice already but I don't worry about it.  They must have a lot of free time on their hands.  Thank you for you stopping in today.


  1. Pretty Tulip and your Bleeding Heart is looking really good:)

  2. Spring is looking good at your place. We see more bumble bees and not so many honey bees in our yard.
