Thursday, April 30, 2015

Tulips and Bob Cats........

Our town is being invaded by hungry machines digging and replacing culverts.  The way to school today was an interesting one as I had to zig zag through the blocks to get here.  They have three or four crews working at a time and they  must  have started working at 7:30 this morning.  It is going to rain for the next few days so they may put in a long day today.

I am in the special education room today following a young man to different classes.  It will probably seem like a long day as the shifting and helping gets to be a very busy day.  Picasa again gave me a decorated shot of my one lone marron tulip.  The barberry behind it always makes it stand out to enhance its color.  The metal sculpture is one that was created by one of the students in shop years ago. 

We are looking for rain for a few days but I want it to hold off for this day anyway so I can get work done at home after school.  Thanks for stopping by today.  


  1. Your tulips are just lovely. We are to get sunshine for a few days, we really need to dry out some.

  2. Lovely tulips, we are headed for mid 80's on Saturday so you should be 90. Looks like construction has started hope they don't make a huge mess:(

  3. Very pretty flowers. We hope to have a few dry days to get work done in the yard.
