Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday's Things........

A nontraditional tulip is in bloom with great color.  Not quite in focus but closer than some I have been taking. I am just now posting as I am at work at school today.  The school net was down for almost 3 hours.  I am playing catch up now as without the net you have nothing.  I have spent free moments trashing photos off of my desktop and that was a much needed job. I cleaned things up and put saved valuable photos into the right folders.

New hosta starts transplanted from another location are looking really good here.  The ground must have reached a good temperature for most all of the hostas.  Some are slower than others but most of them look like this in size.  I have a brand new, different hosta that I will share when it gets big enough to show its best view.

Picasa decided to decorate this one for me so I will share it framed and looking good. The tulips are looking spent here but the petals are still hanging on in this photo.

The New England bluebells in the back yard which are slower to bloom than the ones on the east of the house.  They are more in the shade most of the day.

The small potted rose is doing well on the inside of the house.  I gave it new soil and it has perked up giving about 5 blooms.  I have to decide if and when I will plant it outside for the summer. I will also have to fine a place, where, to plant it.  I am not sure about what would be a good location for outside growth.

I still have not trimmed back the hardy geraniums.  Blogging sort of keeps me conscience of my to do list when I post photos.   I may get rid of more tomato plants today as I want the one who receives them water them for a while and they can plant them when if finally gets warm enough for them.

The lilacs are still not quite in full bloom.  I know the cold weather at night is hastening them from being fully in bloom.

I am teaching high school English today with work in reading and poetry analysis.  Most of the classes are seniors and they sure are getting anxious to be out of school.  The graduate in two weeks.  I too am seeing the end of substitute work and will be home by the end of May.  I hope everyone is well and thanks for stopping in today.


  1. No blooms here yet so I enjoy yours:)

  2. The rose appears to be a star ! You have so many lovely plants in bloom, but too many tomatoes ?

    Hostas do very well here and we have hundreds of hostas all around our place. Every once in awhile a unique hosta seems to pop up and we keep those in big pots down by our pond where it is shady.

    Yay, you will be having more time to garden after school is over.

  3. The tulips are gorgeous! And how I would love to have hostas to transplant, but around here we call it “Deer Candy”. And nothing heralds spring like the blooming of lilacs, beautiful.
