Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday's Final Finish........

I have hope that this will be another good year for apples.  The frost never really ever happened even though it was probably in the forecast three times. The tree was in full bloom on the south side and the north side is now just opening up.  I guess it needed more warmth and less cold air blowing on the buds.

The iris borer caused me to be in a panic last summer trying to rescue some of my older plants.  I moved small parts of them that were not effected by the borer and here you can see my little nursery plot. I don't think I lost a one of them but it will take another year to get them to bloom again.

I named these tulips my Iowa State tulips.  I don't remember planting them but I do think I was trying to find tulips that reminded me of the Rembrandt tulip.  The weather was calm in the afternoon and we did have sunshine for a while.  Sometimes too much sun makes it hard to photograph flowers but the contrasting colors made it work great.

Picasa turned one of my color photos into a black and white one.  I suppose the various contrasts in values made this into a great professional black and white photo. I am a fan of black and white but I am wondering what the application that does this has for a criteria.

I entitle this "Impending Doom."   We do need to have new passageways under the road for the water traveling down the ditch.  I am more than critical of what they will be doing to the ditch.  I find it difficult to have a city government that doesn't communicate with those who live in the community.  I went out and photographed what is at my corner and checked to see if I was going to lose my corner flower garden and shrub.  If I go by where the stakes are placed I will be good.  It just the thought that maybe dirt will be piled on top of everything while they are working.  At this point what they do to the ditch will be an eyesore and maybe even a hazzard for young children. I am hoping that when this is done that the ditch won't be lined with medium sized stone.

Here is a before photo of the area to be reworked.  I won't go on to explain what comes next. 

I am an associate today in the special education room today.  It will be a relaxed day if all goes well.  We are to have a rain on and off all day today.  I hope everyone is well.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Any type of public construction seems to involve demolition and I hope your flower bed won't be affected.

    Your flowers and blooms really are similar to what we have blooming around here, and we also had weather forecasts of frost, but frost ! Maybe we'll have a bumper crop of apples and plums this year. ( the cherries will be eaten by the birds before we even get a chance to pick them )

  2. I'm glad you didn't get a frost, it's so disheartening to witness everything in bloom, only to be destroyed by a late frost.
    The county always seems to be fixing things here, that are not broken, I 'spect they look for ways to spend money.
    Hope you've had a good day Larry.

  3. The City looks like they have a plan, I would sure keep taking photos. Do you know a City Councilman or woman? I would give them a call or the Mayor! You have a nice flower bed out there I hope it remains:)

  4. I dread the project coming to your corner. These projects rarely turn out well for property owners. I always enjoy your flowers and wonderful pictures. Those tulips are just fantastic. Wishing you both a lovely weekend.
