Thursday, April 23, 2015

Lily, Lily..............

This Asiatic lily is coming up to my surprise.  I had tried to move it and thought that it was rotted and gone. I guess I was digging up a different lily.  This looks like it is coming on strong. The spreading old fashion roses that grew in this area did partially die out the last two summers,  just like my wild rose at the back of the house.  There are parts of it that are still alive so it will rebound.

The winds have died down now so maybe I can go out and get more pictures with more of them being in focus.  We had freeze warnings for last night and again they didn't get it right.  We were in low 40's when I got up this morning.  It won't warm up  much but I am glad we didn't have a hard freeze. The day before it was 29 but it wasn't reported as only the in town temperatures are mentioned.

This is another shot of the buzzards that were flying around a couple of days ago.  I cropped it into a fancy dancey shot with the bird blending in with the foliage.  They were big birds but my camera skills for that kind of thing were lacking.  I couldn't show how large they were without zooming in and then waiting for the camera to focus.  The birds didn't hold still for me.

I am expecting to see open blooms on the lilacs today or tomorrow.  They are getting to be close to showing good blooms.  The smell is not there yet until they open.  My lungs don't like the smell anymore which is tough when they smell so good.

There are white lilacs almost in bloom also out in my back yard.  I can see them but I don't know if I can photograph them as the shrub is old and very tall. The neighbor to the alley has almost killed off the large planting of white lilacs.  He has chopped at them to keep them from hanging over into the alley and the mess is still there.

The ornamental chokecherry tree is putting out great flowers right.  If you stand in just the right direction there is a really sweet smell that comes from them.  The tree is next to where I park the car so it is great to come home and smell it when I get out of the car.

I lose track of what pictures I share.  I find myself blogging and publishing and then checking to see if I pulled a repeat of shots.  If I do I just edit it and go for another photo.  We have a town called Pella in our state that celebrates "tulip time" and this  year the tulips have come up way too soon.  The show of tulips are two weeks too soon but people will still go and celebrate the festival anyway.  They plant thousands of bulbs and the show is so great to see. I don't post links that often but if you want to explore their site just click here at Pella Tulip Time.

I have the day off from school today and I am glad.  I have a lot of small jobs to get done and maybe we will take the neighbor on an adventure. Walmart and KFC is a great adventure for her and we like that we can do that for her once in a while. 

I have sticks to pick up again and a day lily to plant.  It takes a while for me to water all the tomato plants in the house but I will do it today.  I have things to clear before a friend comes to till the garden and outside stuff just needs to be checked on and done.  It is cool out there but I can wear a coat and a stocking cap. I hope all of your are doing well.  Thank you for stopping by for a read and a peak of my photos.


  1. My Asiatic lilt died but there are little ones that come up in the spring but never grow up. Guess I need to dig them up and move them.

  2. I enjoy your variety of flowers. Kaboodle cat was always attracted to mama's lilac bush, almost like it was catnip! We have stayed in due to wind this week. I know the neighbor appreciates you two taking her on an outing. Have a good weekend coming up. p.s. I enjoyed the link.
