Saturday, April 25, 2015

It's Saturday for Sure...........

The neighbor's flowering crabapple tree is in full bloom.  The rains don't seem to bother them much as the tree put out thousands of blooms. The weather seems too rough for flowering trees right now as we are getting a lot of wind and rain.

I am keeping a couple of smaller feeders filled right now and they hang in the dining room window.  They didn't hit these two as much during the winter when I was filling the big one everyday.  I will probably keep filling the larger triple trayed one but just not as often.  We have young cardinals that like to go to the big one so I will put out food when I think of it.

The ornamental chokecherry is in full bloom now.  It has a great aroma.  The next tree behind is an ornamental pear tree with the real pear tree behind it.  Because the first two are bred to not have fruit, the flowers and the foliage are what one appreciates with these two. The chokecherry turns its leaves to a dark red in the fall and a lot of people ask about it.

The pear tree has less blooms this year than usual but it doesn't mean I won't get pears from it.  You can see the blurred view of the crabapple across the street in the background. As I keep pruning back the pear tree it is getting to begin looking like the old pears trees we had on the farm. They are too tall to trim away their height so they get to be tall spikey looking old trees.

This is a progress report photo of my lilacs.  They are just now starting to open.  The rain won't ruin them when they are in this stage.  I see the post office has a big bouquet of them at the counter right now.  I won't be going in there as I stood next to the same kind of bouquet while mailing something last year and it put me down allergy wise for quite a few days.  I am sneezing right now as I think about it. The blooms in a closed room are a lot stronger than when you are in the open air.

We have no plans today during the day so we will be home doing odd jobs or resting.  I have two framing jobs, one large collage, and another three cowboy posters, that are haunting me.  I need to start on them but am being too busy at school to get on them.  We do have a free meal to receive at church tonight.  It is given for the volunteers that work in our church. We will be out in the evening for a while anyway and by then the rain will have stopped.

I hope everyone has a good weekend.  I hope the weather has settled down for all my blog friends inall the different locations.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Very nice photos today, Larry. I love those lilac blooms. We've been watching the Cardinals playing in the rain in our back yard this a.m. Hope you two enjoy your dinner out tonight.

  2. It rained most of the night here but now we have high wind and sunshine. Our trees are all nice and green, no bloomers.
