Sunday, April 26, 2015

One Jay, Two..........

I filled the feeder, top try, and I ended up with quite a show.  The two blue jays seemed to come and go enjoying some new seed. I wonder if they are a pair and that they are feeding newly hatched birds. They seemed to be too friendly to not be a pair. We also witness three different young cardinals eating on and around the feeder.

A splash of color that keeps giving me different shots each day.  The colder weather has helped them last longer as they spent a lot of days closed up from the cold air.

Three young doves spent time on the  patio picking up loose seeds from the bird feeder.  The maple trees are starting to drop some of their seeds already this spring.

It is a sunny day today with a mild breeze. It appears that we will be having warmer weather. I am late posting today while watching Miss Marple with the Body in the Library on the tele. It is a relaxing afternoon and will get a little rest for the rest of the day.  Thank you for checking in today.


  1. The birds are so pretty. We had warm temps today (79) but the wind was brisk. Glad you two had a relaxing afternoon. Wishing you a good week.

  2. It is good to see the different bird in the yard. I was surprised to see a turkey in the backyard on Saturday.

  3. We spred corn for the Blue Jays last winter they are such seed hogs...but pretty ones! I hope you and Della had a good weekend. It was so nice today no wind for a change:)
