Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday's Mania.......

I have a very large old shrub of white lilac.  It is hard to photograph but this one broken down side piece allows me to shoot a close up shot.  The white as with all white flowers is hard to get a  focus, especially when the wind is blowing.

When I do look up I can see the lilac is still only partially opened up with all the little blooms. In the good gardener world, I would prune off all these tall branches and make the smaller ones come up from the bottom.  I have two of these shrubs so I could trim one and leave the other to guarantee that I had blooms for next year.

I shared a clearer photo of the dove on my Photo a Day on Sunday.  I have to clean my lens and figure out why I am getting blurry photos.  I know that birds move their heads, sometimes constantly, but this should have been in focus.  It may be I am getting to shaky to take good wild bird photos.  I promise myself to work on it. I do know that when it is an overcast day I can't get great photos through the dinning room window.

"Made in the shade" gives me evidence that the cardinal is enjoying the seed.  He is on the wrong side of the feeder.  We have been having three young cardinals visiting the feeder and I hope to eventually capture some of them.

The bleeding heart is showing signs that I will get some blooms this year.  I have never owned this kind of plant and I only remember seeing them back when I was a kid living on the farm.  I believe the plant grows larger each year and I think they tolerate Iowa's winters pretty well. I would have to check my blogs in the past but I think this is the third year having this plant to get a bloom.

I am in the Spanish room this morning and then will be doing government and economics in the afternoon.  I never know who I will be when I arrive in the morning as some don't call in to be sick or gone until the early morning.  We are to warm up to 69 degrees F. and that will be great.  I was going to start mowing my yard today but I guess I won't be home for that.  Maybe tomorrow I can stay home and get outside work going.   Thank you for checking in to my Monday's Mania posting.


  1. I just bet your Lilac Bush smells heavenly, I hope they continue to bloom for many years to come.
    We've had a pair of doves visiting for several months now, they are such gentle creatures, yours looks quite at home and tame.
    Sweet little Cardinal...such regal little birds.
    Enjoy your working day today !

  2. At the home we shared with mama, a previous owner had planted almost one of every plant there is! It was just a matter of spotting it underneath the tangle of weeds the in-between owner had let take over. My biggest thrill was a bleeding heart plant that popped thru the weeds!
    I also love lilacs. We thought we had lost a weigela and a vitex over the winter, but just today we notice new growth. John did the grass mowed over the weekend; it has been so rainy, it was getting tall.

  3. I love white lilacs but do not have any in our gardens. Do they have as much scent as the typical old-fashioned lilacs ?

    Birds really are hard to photograph because they do move quickly, even when feeding. I have the same problems photographing them as you do. I told my husband when we're rich ( ha ha )I want a fancy camera & lens that can capture small quick things, like flowers blowing in the breeze, birds, and grandchildren !

  4. Nice photos L.D.

    For some reason, I'm not getting notifications of your blog posts and I am a follower. I used to get them.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady
