Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday, Monday......can't trust that day.

Lily of the valley was on the property when I bought the place back in 1976.  It has spread to new locations as it was growing where the art gallery was built.  It moved as a plant around the corner and now is at the back of the house. I am sure that a large majority of the old homes in town have lily of the valley growing somewhere in the shade.

I have yet to discover who the nest belongs to.  It does remind me of the robin's nest but I have not seen birds coming and going.  I bet when the eggs hatch that I will see the parents coming and going to feed them.

As a joint effort, my wife is the brains of the project, we made a cobbler. I had found a recipe of strawberries and rhubarb  added together in equal amounts.  We don't eat only one or two a year of the cobbler but this is a great way to make it.  We have  a third of it left to eat right now.  Maybe we will take a break and have another one in a couple of weeks.  I had picked up a plastic container of strawberries to encourage us to get it done.  Milk or cool whip works really great with the cobbler.

The promise of blooms can be seen on all of my peonies. It is funny how you really can't tell what color the bloom will be by the color of the outside.

It is no Lake Mead but it proves my thoughts as to them having put the culvert too low into the ground.  The rains left this body of water and it is suppose to be draining to the right.  But as we all know that water does not run uphill. It really is downhill but the ditch didn't get put in that way.  I guess I could buy fish and turn it into a garden pond.

Picasa keeps finding the photos that they like that I have taken and they decorate it for me.  The allium is going into a stage where the little green seed heads form in the puff ball.

I have a half day of work this morning.  It is cold now at 43 degrees F.  but maybe it will warm up enough for me to do some mowing. With school being close to the end teachers are gone on half day errands rather than on full day leaves.  I have two half days scheduled for the last of the week.

I don't think the cold weather will damage the tomatoes that I planted.  The high winds were challenging and only one of them broke off.  I have 9 more to plant in the next couple of days. I didn't plants seed of roma tomatoes so I tried to buy some at Wallymart.  They were sold out of that variety.  I hope all are well and thanks for coming by today.


  1. Looks very good but we have never eaten rhubarb.
    Your Allium is lovely , have a good day.

  2. I really love the Lily of the Valley, especially the smell. We're ready for our first rhubarb crisp too; rhubarb's growing like mad!

  3. I still have rhubarb in the freezer from last year, I should make muffins again. Looks like the City Engineer miscalculated the slop on your culvert:(

  4. Strawberries and rhubarb - what a clever cobbler combination! It looks really good, too! Thank you for your comments on my adders. Perhaps you know them as Vipers? The only poisonous snake in the UK.
