Saturday, May 30, 2015

Continual Change........

As the globe allium fades away the peony takes over making a good showing with the rich red color. The allium had self seeded in this area of the garden popping up all around the peony.

While digging around the can goods yesterday I found an ear of corn that worked itself to the back of the shelf.  I must have set it on the shelf during the winter to be taken outside. In the rush of things I put cans of vegetables and soup around it until it migrated to the back of the pack.  In the winter the corn would not last one day but now with all the other things for squirrels to eat it has stood for a couple of days untouched.

My spiderwort was protected from the big dog this year with a wire barrier so I am going to have blooms.  This is an early one that is showing right now.  I find it to be a wimpy plant as it tends to sag to the ground where I have it planted.  I have seen neighbors who have it in the full hot sun that makes it into a big straight standing plant.

The mock orange bush is putting out great fragrance at this time of the year.  It is just begging to bloom on one side of the bush so I will have a lot more blooms this week. It does get so many blooms that you can smell it from afar.

The baby starlings appear to be larger than their mother but they still would like to be mom fed.  I guess the feathers will sleek down to become close fitting black feathers eventually.  We have two different sizes of baby starlings out there as the smaller ones than this are on the ground waiting for handouts.  These larger one will fly to the feeder and look for a seed by themselves if mom or dad won't feed them.  I was watching a mom pull seeds out of the suet yesterday and feeding them to the young birds like this one on the lawn chair.

It is Saturday and we are damp and cold. The furnace probably has been on but it won't have to be much longer.  We will not get to warm today but Sunday is suppose to be warmer.  I hope all have a great weekend.


  1. My neighbor just gave me my first Spiderwort last night, and I was so excited to add it to my shade garden. Now I hear that it does better in the sun, so I hope I have some kind of success with it. I will watch it this year and move it if I need to next year, LORD willing !

    I wish I could find some Allium around here !

  2. That Spiderwort has a great color! It is cold here with freeze warnings for tonight. Needed a jacket outside all day today:(

  3. The mock orange scent is one of my favorites. It's been a long time since I had spiderwort in the garden. Your allium and peony are pretty. Wishing you both a very nice and restful Sunday.
