Friday, May 29, 2015

Too Many Shots........

I become a garden blog for a few months as we break away from our winter and the rainy season too. The red peonies are just now blooming.  They have always bloomed a little later than the others.  This was one plant I inherited from my mom and grandmother.  Grandma Brooks had this peony at her house when she bought it in Murray, Iowa back in the 60's.  I remember my mom being sure that I had a planting of it when I bought my house in the late 70's.  I have three bushes of it and it does like to show off with all of its deep red color.

This old fashion peony was already on the property when I moved here in the late 70's.  I moved a lot of the ones that were established along the driveway and I now have a row of it along the alley way.  My last plantings came from the farm and in the next few days I will see them bloom for their first time since I planted them three years ago.

This light pink one is a very old fashioned variety of peony.  I mention every year that I don't have a pure white peony and I didn't do anything about it.  Across the street I will have a start this summer for sure.  The neighbors have a row of a dozen white ones blooming right now.

I was planting dahlias yesterday afternoon in my newer garden area where I had removed the very large spreading juniper.  I had dug a few holes and planted some of the ones that I had purchase when I heard a soft crashing sound to my right.  To my surprise a new baby squirrel dropped from the sky landing in a barberry. It apparently had lost its footing on the pine tree above me and the bush was a prefect cushion for it to land.  It scampered very quickly to the pine tree  and up it ran.

I blogged earlier about our 5 new baby squirrels and they are just very busy exploring the whole neighborhood.  I can see them across the street just running and jumping into all the different trees. I can see they are testing gravity in real life also as it had fallen not six feet away from me.  I have seen adult squirrels drop out of trees on purpose but they land on their feet.  This little one will probably get that figured out too.

One last flower photo for the day.  I am so glad that I didn't loose this one to the iris borers.  It was later blooming than the others so I wasn't sure, or didn't remember what it was.  The real life iris is a little deeper and richer in color than what the camera picks up.  I like the added subtle ruffles on the edges of the bottom petals.

It is a cloudy day here right now but it will have to be sunny to warm up to 82 degrees this afternoon.  I need to get zinnia's into the ground and also I need to plant some old flower seed that I found just yesterday.  Small bags of different kinds of flower seeds  were given to me by my cactus lady friend. I don't remember how long that I have had them but I am betting they are still viable. I think there is a black hollyhock set of seeds also.  It is a little cool out there but I will venture out anyway.  I didn't have any tilling done this year so it will be digging with the spade in the spots that I want to plant.   Thanks for stopping in today and have a great Friday, or the best that you can anyway.


  1. All are pretty but that pink peony is gorgeous.

  2. I've always loved peonies, yours are gorgeous, especially the light pink old fashioned one !
    The squirrels seem to be fun to watch, but oooh can they be naughty :)
    Love the iris, such a beautiful color, and it's our state flower so I'm partial :)
    Have a wonderful weekend Larry.

  3. I love the history of that glorious red, but I'll always have a heart for those pinks---the first a young thing in her first prom dress, and the second, a lady who knows who she is, in her lovely pale pink ball gown.

    I love when you drop in at Lawn Tea!


  4. PS And the Iris is the Lady Violet of the group, in regal purple to befit her royal heritage.

  5. There can't be too many peonies. And your little squirrels are darling.

  6. What beautiful Peonies and that Iris is a special one! I really enjoyed them all! :)

  7. Your peony collection is lovely and I'm glad you'll get a white one. I love the color of the iris. We never see squirrels on our dead end street. I see plenty of them when I visit the park and their antics are quite amusing!
