Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sharing on Sunday........

The aronia berryies are thick on the branches.  There should be a lot of them in which we could make jelly.  The flavor isn't wonderful so you have to mix another berry with it to make it work.

The wild rose is still blooming.  I don't have many of them but when you have one there will be many more in the years to come.  The spread by their roots.

I like it when there is the promise of more buds to give me more blooms.  It is the best year for my iris this year since a long time All the ones that did survive the iris borer did do well.  I did loose quite a few but that stuff happens all the time when you garden.  There are no guarantees. I had planted three or four new ones but only one of them bloomed this year.Next  year should be a better year.

The row of newly planted peonies from the farm are still not blooming.  I keep thinking they are red ones but I don't know.  I did find another reddish pink one along the alley that these could look like when they finally open.  Maybe tomorrow the revelation will happen. 

The multi flora rose is always popping up out the ground from our very cold winters and it puts out new stems every single year. They are neat little roses as they look like a larger rose when you take close up shots of them.

This is probably three times the actual size of the rose.  The water on the rose was not placed there by me but by a natural sprinkle.  Some photographers spray water on their flower to make it look like it has rained.

I am glad it is Sunday and I hope we warm up today.  It seems so strange to be this cold this late in spring.  A gardener on television said that a lot of people are putting their gardens in at the late time of June. He said it really didn't matter as planting in June sometimes gives the best gardens.  I have all the tomato plants in now that I plan to put in.  I planted zinnias in one area a couple of days ago and I may dig another place to grow them.  I have sunflowers to plant and my morning glories are already in the ground.  Now we just wait for more sunshine and less cold breezes from the north.  

I hope everyone has a great day today.  Thanks for stopping in today.

1 comment:

  1. Such pretty photos of your flowers/plants today. Your iris photos are my favorite! Many of my blog friends are speaking of the cold they are experiencing. I just can't imagine this time of the year. Wishing you both a nice day.
