Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Looking up the Street.....

This is our view as we look west up the street.  Main street is up the way west. Believe it or not it isn't raining at that rare moment that I took the shot. It just does not want to stop raining.

The peonies of old are blooming right now.  These peony bushes have their buds laying on the ground because of all of the rain. It is suppose to stop raining Wednesday.  I still have red peonies yet to bloom.

I also shared this iris on my Photo a Day blog.  It is named Superstition and sold as a black iris.  As you can see with a lot of light it doesn't seem to be very black.  I bought this iris for my parents and gave them two rhizomes of it and I kept the other.  When I closed down the house I brought some more of it back with me to our property. If we ever move I will have to pot up a lot of special plants and take them with us.

The "William Baffin" rose is a survivor as it is in bloom already this spring.  I don't like the looks of things on the leaves as too much rain can cause that.  I was surprised to see this in bloom as I had not been in the area of the rose for quite some time.  I have a pile of tires covered with a tarp that I need to recycle for my brother in law.  It will take some work as they all have rims on them and I will have to get the rubber off the rim.

The young female cardinal is busy breaking up the sunflower seeds.  She stayed and ate her meal on the feeder unlike the adults who grab a seed and go elsewhere to open it. I guess she was feeling quite safe.

School is out today and I won't be working.  I will be facing the summer without work at this time as I don't think there is a job out there that i want to do.  It will be nice to have the summer off and it would be nice if I don't have to return in the fall.  We have errands to run this morning and will be back in the afternoon.  I am so tired of our weather but it is so great that we are not out of water.  I hope all are safe out there in all those flooding states.  Thank you for stopping by today. 


  1. We are not flooding here. We have gotten some rain about 5 inches so far this month. I think we are out of drought conditions now. Your Iris is stunning, I bet if the light was different it would look black:)

  2. What a nice neighborhood you live in and lovely flowers in your gardens.

    Have a nice summer and hopefully you'll not have to go return in the fall.


  3. That Peonie is a beauty and the photo of the cardinal is a winner.
