Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Middle of the Week........

Compliments of Picasa I share a photo of the three in a row iris.  The one on the right is a little weathered and the photographer has to pull some of the petals up to put it back into shape.  Picasa puts the blur on things as the original is all in focus. These blooms survived a the rains.

The bloom watch is on as the majority of my peonies have not bloomed but they look like they could pop open at any time.

This is the last of my cemetery iris to bloom.  It is small and has some details that remind me of the yellow and brown ones. The pattern on the bottom petals  isn't that much different than the others. I can't remember where I got this and my wife said probably from a cemetery.  It took it a lot of years to bloom as I don't remember even collecting it. I think it was planted under a tree and I just moved it out into the open a couple of years ago.

This is so great of a year for hostas.  All of my newer transplants are getting big and the parent plants are huge.  I keep putting new  starts of this one all over the property as I have so many plain green ones.

It is Wednesday and the projects are lined up for me to do.  I will finish mowing the last half of the yard this morning as it has finally stopped raining.  It will pick up raining again tomorrow.  We have a couple of errands to run today and I am free from school now.  It is a great feeling to know that they won't be calling.  With our weather straightening out a little I can maybe get our yard cleaned up.  Weeds love the rains and tree branches love to stretch out in this kind of weather.  I hope all are well and safe today.  Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. Your spring flowers are coming along fine. My Hostas are at a stand still, not growing well. Could be all the rain?? We are about to get more.

  2. Very pretty flowers. I love your hosta, reminds me of seersucker fabric. A neighbor gave us green/white hosta last year and it is doing well. Won't be long before we can divide it. We had 2 inches of rain yesterday. Glad you have a break from school. Don't overdo in the yard.
