Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day..........

Pictures many times do not have a story but this one just happens to have one. It really isn't a story as each item identifies an activity.  All of the arrangement was unplanned. The trowel just happens to be right where I left it.  I need to put it away but it is ready will I do the next thing in the garden. The metal staples are left out from being used to hold down the Christmas decorations of the wire deer sculptures.  Yes, I need to put them away. The nails are ones that I picked up from the ground and sidewalk.  They are square nails from  the siding job I did last summer.  The old cedar siding that I removed from the house, 100 plus years old, were dropped to the ground when they were being removed.  I pick them up when I see them. The shelf itself is a rusted one, old, and it needs a new coat of rustoleum paint.

The flowers are the ones I found on the ground as the wind and continuous rain has helped to break off the stalks of the iris.  It is a bad thing that they break off but a good thing to take them into a house and make an arrangement of them in a vase.

The good thing also about the flowers being brought into the house is the photographic opportunity I have in a controlled situation.  The majority of the peonies have not bloomed yet and I am glad.  We have had so much rain that they would all be on the ground and would be destroyed if they were opened.

I keep working with my new camera to get the macro to work for me.  I found these yellow blooms sticking up out the hostas.  It  don't know the plant but I bet it is one of the seeds from the birdseed that fell from the feeder. The leaf shape reminds me of a thistle plant and yet I don't think it acts like a thistle.

This is one of my favorites of the older iris variety.  I think I need to move it as it just doesn't put out many stalks of flowers where it is presently growing.  I have found the iris are doing well next to the south side of the house so I will put a rhizome of it there after this stops blooming.  The pattern on the leaves of white on blue reminds me a lot of the brown and yellow iris. 

This one does not have the white lining on its lower petals like the one above has.  I didn't loose any of the old fashioned iris plants from iris borers but I will treat the area again this spring anyway. 

It is Memorial Day today.  I wrote a diddy on my Photo a Day blog about the holiday so I won't rewrite it here today.  We have had rains all night but this day looks like we will have some sun.  The clouds are sticking around but there are burst of sun coming through once in a while. I have mowing to do but it can wait until tomorrow.  I just didn't finish the job on Saturday as I was tired.  I remember now that last year I broke it up into two days of mowing, but usually I want to do it in a two day period, one right after the other.  Have a good day this day and thanks for stopping by.


  1. I am not sure what your mystery yellow flower is. You are really blooming! ")
