Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thursday's Things..........

Mother squirrel is out checking things out as her five new young ones are chasing each other all over the area. We were doing dishes after supper and my wife looked out seeing 5 little squirrels chasing each other  up  and down and around a tree.  They stayed in single file as that is what squirrels do.

The home for them is in this very old silver maple tree. The five had scampered up the street and sidewalks and then came back to be where they belonged.  I don't know if it was the first time they were ever out but it was the first time we had seen them.

I don't think I caught any totally focused shots while I was out there trying to take photos. They were jumping and running and were so happy to be out.  If there had been any danger I wonder if the mother would call them back into the holes of the tree.

I had received starts of this flag iris from a neighbor.  It rarely bloomed so I moved then during the summer last year.  I planted them in two places and they bloomed at each location.

I was forced to use the alley a few days back because of culverts being replaced and I saw a dark blue flag iris of my neighbors.  It was so overgrown with plants and their were hundreds of flowers on them. They were the same color of the ones that I have that don't bloom.  I will be moving my dark blue ones in a week or so to a new location.  I have two batches of it that will find more sunlight.  I guess I should plant them next to the light blue ones.

Potentilla were the rage in landscaping when I first bought this house.  They were being planted in all the new landscapes of new homes.  They are not doing that anymore as Iowa really is a little too warm for them.  Also they need lots of water.  This one of mine looks great as the rains have really encouraged it.  When we move into the hot days of summer it won't looks so great. Our weather is just too hard on privets as they keep being frozen down and come up from the roots each spring.  That is not a good looking shrub.

More chores to do today.  I can finish mowing my yard today as we won't have rain until late today.  Unfortunately I have some yard that is about ready to be mowed again.  When I am not working at school I can start mowing it in one or two days in a row instead of doing it in three rounds. We are moving into our hotter days now with the 80's F. predicted in a few days in a row.  I am moving plants outside now making way for the cockatiels to get moved back into the east window.  They really like watching all that is going on out there. They watch the sunrise and see the dogs and people walking by them. When it starts to go dark they do their evening sounds to close out the day.

  I hope all my blog friends are safe from flooding and are doing well.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. With 5 new baby's you will have to buy lot's more seed.
    We had three new ones. Squirrels are fun to watch but always looking for food. We stop feeding them in summer.
    All that rain keeps coming up. We had a hard rain with pea size hail yesterday. more coming today hope not the hail.
    Have a good day!

  2. Moving plants is hard work. Glad the cockatiels enjoy their spot by the window during the warm months. We had heavy rain yesterday that pretty much destroyed John's attempt to plant grass and prevent run off from the neighbor. For today, he has given up!!! He is still using his reel mower to cut our grass. He gets teased a lot by the neighbor men.

  3. You did better than I could trying to follow scampering squirrels! I wish this rain would stop now and just go ahead and let it be summer. The flooding is horrible and so many people are lost.
