Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Today is Tuesday........All Day.

The winds for three days along with lots of rain has caused the majority of the iris branches to lay on the ground. When they break off I bring them in to the house.   There are a couple of them I just let lay in the tall grass as they are too damaged to bring inside.

This small old fashioned iris is a cemetery iris that I got from an overgrown patch.  It is so healthy that they mow it down to keep it under control.  Mine is healthy too as it keeps spreading. I didn't get a great photo of it but its colors are so subtle that the colors don't reflect back to the camera.

The white iris out by the corner where all the construction is being done on the ditch seems to be surviving it all.  The wind has knocked most of them down but I have staked them back upright.

All of them are so distorted by the wind that I can get a great specimen shot.  They seem to only allow me to take abstract shots of them.  Today the big crane will be out and about reworking the ditch.  I suspect the flowers will be damaged but the iris plants themselves will survive for another year.

The ditch story continues.  I had placed on facebook a couple of weeks ago my concern for the job being done.  I said there that I thought they had installed the culvert  too low into the ground.  I didn't think about the readers but the mayor's wife is a former student of me who follows me on facebook.  After our big rains the ditch proved that it was done incorrectly.  Water is standing in my ditch and not going down the hill.

So you can see they are back.  It looks like it will take two days to rework it.  They have removed the neighbor's culvert, which is down hill from me and they buried it a whole lot deeper.  The ditch beyond this was totally reworked and dug deeper to compensate for the mistakes at my end.

So last night the machine sat in my neighbor's ditch.  It was back at work this morning at 7:00. I am glad I am work so I don't have to see what will be happening in my yard today.  My pond should be gone when they are done and the water should not be backing up into the culvert. The next rain will again test it out to see if they crew figured it all out to get it to work as a draining ditch.

The blue boy hides his face from the job that is going on behind him.  So far his planted area is still in tack and he will turn back around when it is all done. 

It is very cold in Iowa today and my tomato plants will survive.  I am hoping it won't dip any colder tonight.  We were at 37 degrees this morning.  I hope all is well with everyone.  Thank you for coming by today.


  1. Sure glad someone paid attention
    to your water problem. We are still working on out problem the city never did come out after we called.
    Your iris are beautiful and love the white.
    With so much rain here it is now hot and humid, you would think we lived on coast.

  2. Our Fernleaf Peony is now in bloom, but it has a pretty poor show of blooms this year. But only a very few of our short Iris are out yet. Hope the ditch work fixes things!

  3. Too bad they didn't do your ditch right the first time. Your white Iris is stunning! We froze last night...30 degrees. Good think I don't have a garden:0
