Thursday, June 25, 2015

After the Storms..........

It is all about the reflections with a photo like this.  The fish make a few spots of color but the rest is just trees and more trees.

The old fashion rose puts out one more bloom.  it is a strange shape but it will eventually become a rose.

I am never sure if I have repeated photos of my hostas but I will just blunder through with the hope that I don't repeat myself too much.

The plants have adjusted to their new container and the blooms show it.  I really like the pure white ones just as much as the beautiful orange one.

I do believe there are less apples this year but that may mean that there will be bigger apples. I really like how the colors start to develop even when they are in an early stage of development.

It was a rough day Wednesday.  We struggled with heavy rains all day.  We were traveling through it and it was trying to keep us from doing what we needed to do.  We took my wife's friend to hospital for her therapy session.  We come back home to be with the dogs during all of the storms and then return 6 hours later to pick her up to get her home.  During Shari's therapy she developed a reaction to the chemicals and had to be treated for that.  We were late to pick her up as we had a car complication but it didn't matter as her session had been lengthened by the complications.  She is fine now and has been delivered home and we finally got home in time for more rain and severe storm warnings for the whole evening.

I wrote everything last night so I now do know that we had 7 inches of rain.  It was quite like a monsoon as it came down.  Moisture got to my battery clamp on the ground side and I had to deal with that.  I borrowed a neighbor's car to finish the day.  I had cleaned that clamp on the battery and by the time we were back home the car started like it was new.  We spent Wednesday night with rain and storm sounds until late in the night.

While all this is all going on, our neighbor kitty corner across the street had appendicitis and had surgery Tuesday late night.  I check in on her dog a little less now as another closer neighbor can do it.  I use to have the full job of taking care of Penny when she is gone but it is good there is someone closer to take care of her.

We are very soggy looking this morning but I at least don't have to water the tomatoes.  I just finished mowing the yard so that will perk up and I can do it again.  It will be a restful day today I am hoping and I won't have much to share tomorrow.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Beautiful photos today. I like the reflections in the fish picture. I'm sorry Shari had a reaction; glad she made it through and thanks to you and your wife for helping her. That is so much rain to fall and I know driving was difficult. Glad your car is fine now and I do hope you both get to rest today. Glad Penny the dog has someone closer to see about her.

  2. Sorry I didn't read that right, Kitty is not a cat. Hope she is feeling better to.

  3. Seven inches of rain wow I bet your ditch was full. Good thing you had a neighbors car to borrow to get the friend...glad you fixed your own car! Sunny and warm here today:)

  4. Love the goldfish pictures -- send that rain our way, please!

  5. There was a LOT of rain, Larry, and glad you were all OK. Nice of you and your wife to help your friend Shari and glad to read she is better.

  6. We have had a lot of rain. We have had to water however two days. The grass just about took over. Just before I pulled all my hair out we discovered the young man across the street had been laid off. I kept asking Carrel to find out if he would help us. I finally had to take the bull the horn and ask him myself. He is the best I have ever found. I pay him well. And he is fast and has my beds looking great.
