Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Middle of the Week.......

It is a blast of color that can be seen for long distances.  I can sit at the dinning room window and enjoy all of this yellow.

Petunias in the center of the dianthus pot are showing off and is out blooming the dianthus that are planted all around it. Our rains that are predicted are not happening so I need to remember to get out there and water them.  We had such a long rainy season that I got use to not watering anything.  I should hit my tomato plants with moisture also.

A shot of one of the blooms on the plant that I shared a photo of yesterday.  It is such a wonderful color and the plants is so healthy.   I do think I will move the bulb later this summer and put it with some of the other Asiatic lilies. It stands all alone among the old fashion roses.

A different hosta that is in partial bloom I will share here.  The hosta variety gets to be so crowed and filled in so quickly that I need to thin it again this year.  I have said this before but I am going to keep more hostas in all of my garden areas.  I like how it crowds out the weeds.  It is so strange how the plant just dissolves during the winter flat to the ground.  When spring hits it is up and growing large foliage with ease.

We are off again this morning to help out my wife's friend.  She will take her second dose of chemo.  It takes about six hours from start to finish.  I saw a news feature the other day where a dad with cancer didn't want to tell his kids what was happening to him.  So he decided to call it a session where he got Super Soldier Serum to help him to be super strong and to get better. I liked that as we need new different positive words to use when we help people fight their battle.  I appreciate your stopping by today.  Have a great day.


  1. Very beautiful photos this morning. So cheerful. May God bless your wife's friend today. Bless you two for supporting her during this battle.

  2. Beautiful blooms for the summer.

    May God's continuing love surround you and your wife and your wife's friend as she goes through this treatment.


  3. Flowers are popping with so much great color.
    Yours are looking good. Did you plant morning-glories
    this year?

  4. Beautiful lilies! You are so nice to help out your friend...six hours is a long infusion. I hope she doesn't get to sick from the chemo:)
