Friday, June 26, 2015

Friday Finishes It......

Zinnias at Walmart caught my eye and I bought some of them.  It is a totally new marketed item for me to see.  I bought a couple of six packs for the neighbor lady to plant in front of her antique wagon wheels. I usually plant seed for her there but I did both today.  The seed will grow up zinnias and these short guys will do whatever they will do.  I don't understand how they got them to bloom at six inches tall but the label says that they will grow to 12 inches or more.  I bought one set for me to play with.  I am betting we will have to cut the blooms off so it will sprout and grow taller.

To my surprise Thursday morning  I found my regale lily in bloom.  It is a little beat up from a full day of rain.  Our neighboring town says they got 8 inches of rain where I was thinking our 7 inches was right. I moved this lily here right after I reworked the fence area.  I was hoping to find a good place for it to grow.  It was originally from my grandmother and mother.  I didn't remember the yellow coloring was inside of it but Easter lilies are not exactly like this.  Maybe they are not even the same variety.

I am now telling people that we live on a lake.  The water has receded some before I took the shot as the water in the ditch is from all our rain.

When you look down the ditch you can see that they have it dammed up.  They have a culvert job that they are finishing further down and they didn't want the water to flow into that part of the project. If it will dry out and stop raining,  I bet they will now remove the dirt and let the water go down hill.

I see some of the town streets are getting curbs.  I don't think our inferior street will get such a thing but we will see. We have not been informed about anything about what they are doing, so everything will be a surprise.

I picked up a yellow daisy like plant to put in the middle of our planter. It has many buds on it but it did have some pretty spent blooms on it. It was half off and I thought it would be nice to have a contrasting color in the pot.

The picasa featured photo for the day is this hosta with blooms.  The special effects blur of the photo and I guess they are trying to give it an artistic mood.

We are off to Des Moines again today to help out my wife's friend. I am glad she called as she doesn't like to have people help her.  She needs some prescriptions and a few groceries. We are hoping the highways we use are not closed from flooding as there are a lot of them that are.  We are going in the morning and I bet I will have things to do when we get back in the afternoon,

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That lily is so special and pretty. I love the zinnias and the yellow daisy like flowers...I love bargains too! Very pretty hosta photo. God bless your travel today as you help out your wife's friend.

  2. It's fun to get new plants and see what they will do.
    Your lily is pretty ,I have one about to pop open.

  3. Thought Iwould check on you I like daisy.
