Sunday, June 21, 2015

Close and not so Close......

While out and about trying to take photos of the nest with the mourning doves, I looked up and snapped this. It was not talent but a lucky shot.  Yesterday afternoon there were two of them flying around and declaring territory.  I could not get a single photo of them.

When I buy moss rose, my blogger friends get to see photos of them almost every day.  I am into color and this flower has the neatest pure colors.  Even the whites are so pure and clear in color.

Hardy geraniums always seem to have one leaf that isn't happy with the world.  They either turn a bright yellow or they shrivel on the edges creating a great red color.

The white that dominates over the lighter green makes this a unique leaf marking.  I moved some hostas on Saturday when it was really hot.  I knew the hostas would survive but I didn't think I was going to do so.  One works in the heat and as it gets hotter and the body gets hotter one just keeps on moving to do that one more simple thing.  I had to come in and crash in the living room to cool down. I figure the headache will go away if I take a nap.

Yes the apples are on there and this one already has a good blemish.  They have done well and the crop should be good this year again.

I have hope that the raccoon or raccoons will stay away this  year.  I have had evidence once earlier in the spring that there was one around. I am thinking that these fish are so small that they could swim around in there and never catch them.

It is Sunday and I hope everyone has a great day.  I appreciate your comments or that you stop by without a comment.  Either way thank you for stopping by.


  1. Happy Father's Day. I enjoy the photos from around your yard. The birds, fish and flowers. I have a blog friend in FL who always grows moss rose. I, too, love the colors. Be careful in the heat.

  2. Happy Father's Day Larry! I hope you have a great day..stay out of the heat! :)
