Saturday, June 20, 2015

Saturday Stuff........

The very first coneflower to bloom usually is a beat up one.  I don't know why but the parts of petals are missing and its color isn't very strong.

I would never recommend bush cherries.  They are too small to use for pie.  They do juice up nicely in order for us to make jelly.  It takes a lot of time to pick them as they are half the size of a real cherry.

I am ready to see some tomatoes on my vines.  I don't have a lot of blooms yet but there should be some small tomatoes starting very soon.

This is a mystery bird.  I think we are looking at the back of it and I can't really tell what color that it is in the front.  It did sing some great melodies but I could never get a good sight of it,  The bird is at the very top of a very tall tree.

I will finish with a little bit of silly.  I did find my granite ware pan in which I plant moss rose.  I didn't get that done last year but I did get to it this year. I had forgotten, or tried not to remember, that I was not well last spring for the whole month of June.  I am not getting things done as quickly this year but I am trudging along.  I have a large trash pile of volunteer tress and weeds that came from a few slow weeks of trimming and pulling.  So I am having a better summer.

I found the garden guy in the basement yesterday and he was still laying where I had placed him two summers ago. I have one other I will probably share later on but for now the watering can man is on show for today.  Rain is being promised today but I think it is not going to develop.  Everything goes north or south and we hear about it later that we were missed.  I hope everyone will have a good weekend.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I think your coneflower is a lovely soft color.

    Like your watering can man. We need rain down here. It keeps being predicted, but nothing happens.

    Have a nice weekend ~ FlowerLady

  2. I just love coneflowers. Your cherry jam sounds very flavorful; but I know that is a lot of work. I know you look forward to enjoying fresh tomatoes. I am no help with the bird i.d. Thankful that you are feeling some better this June. Be careful and don't over-do. Happy Father's Day.

  3. p.s. My memory is so short.....I forgot to say how much I love the granite ware and the little garden guy.

  4. Sometimes some blooms are affected by cold or rain or dry when they are forming the flower head so they are misshapen. I bet the next ones will be fine. I mowed again...seems to be all I do :)
