Monday, June 22, 2015

Mighty Monday..........

This hardy geranium remained in bloom all winter inside the house.  When I took it outside the plant  just stayed in bloom.

The oxalis is regrouping now that it is outside.  It really had a rough winter with most of its foliage leaning off the side and never really putting up any new leaves.  Now it sprouted out from the middle of the pot and I bet flowers will be showing in the next couple of weeks.

We have extreme humidity this morning.  It really didn't cool off in the night so our area is in the middle 70's with 80 plus percentage of moistue in the air.  I need to go out to work today and am waiting for the storm north of us to move out so there residue clouds will move out.  We are dark this morning it would seem strange to be outside in it.

 On Saturday I forced myself to go out into the heat and  plant my two bargain hostas.  Instead of coming in I went ahead and stole some new starts off of large hostas to plant in this row.  As of  yesterday everything was still standing and I had no wilt anywhere.  I will be glad when these three plants mature and help fight off the weeds.  Also I transplanted some morning glory plants to another planter.  I really didn't think that it would work and the plants did wilt immediately.  The next day those plants were standing up straight to my surprise.

As of Saturday morning I found this nest empty.  The mourning dove makes the flimsiest nest and I really don't know how they kept from falling out.  I remember the robin's nest was the same way.  The birds were grown and gone overnight.

I have more than one nesting set of  wrens in the area.  I can't find the one nest but the ones in the bird house are busy feeding baby birds.  I can see them come and go with insects all day.

The two boys called on Sunday to wish me happy father's day along with AJ.  He didn't last long on the line but he did chatter away about things.  He had been at a party on Saturday and he was helping in the yard when his dad called.  The son in Maine called pretty close to the same time of the other and they are doing well out there. There are so many trails along the Atlantic Ocean. He and his wife had been out hiking the day before with there two dogs. I was able to see photos on facebook.

My wife and I went to a Bonanza for a late meal as the Sunday school activities kept us later than usual.  We did use to take the boys to the place years ago but we had not been there since they grew up and left home.  The place had changed a lot with their buffet being their draw to the place.  You can order steak at a price on top of the buffet charge.  That is a big change. We had a good time and came home to rest. Yes my steak tasted good.

Typing today has been a struggle with my left hand not cooperating. I guess it is arthritis and as I keep missing letters as I type.  I can do it but it so much slower when I have to go back and replace lost letters.  I write words like trail and it comes out as tails.

Speaking of tails, I was asked about what I had used to help Barney get into the backseat of our car.  I had a cardboard box saved backed to use for shipping paintings but I needed to use it for Barney.  The box is about 22 by 18 on top and the height was 5 inches.  I filled the box up with packing that was tight enough that when the lid was shut the box would keep its shape and not sag in under the weight of the dog.  I then duct taped it tightly so the dog's weight would not squish it down either.  Barney was able to use it as a large step for his front legs and then have enough room for his back legs to help him jump up into the car.  The problem with his back legs is he can't jump up with them.  The added step made it easier to get that weight up into the air.  With a few fails without any help the dog lost confidence and would not try to go up anything.  He doesn't like our side porch steps as he isn't sure he can make it but the back door steps he finds ok to use.

I will close this blog down for the day.  We are getting severe storm warnings for the county just north of us right now.  Our storm radio goes off with a loud beeping to startle the whole house.  The county next to us is just north of us about 3 miles so when Boone county is threatened we too get the warning.  It is so dark that we need to turn on the lights.  I hope all had a good weekend and that the week will be a good one for you.  Thanks for taking time to visit.


  1. You certainly got a good photo of the doves before they left. I also love seeing your flowers, especially the oxalis. Haven't thought of that plant in a while. John and I see plants that we had "once upon a time" and wonder if the new home owners are enjoying them. Glad you enjoyed your steak at Bonanza. When I was a teen, my parents and I and family friends Charles/Mary would all go to Bonanza on Fri nite. I know you enjoyed talking to your sons and grandson. So sorry about your hands; I imagine the planting that you did inflamed the joints. My thumbs only have arthritis and it is painful to do certain things. I hope your hosta plants do well.

  2. p.s. Glad the box worked for Barney to get into the car. Larry's daughter who has the border collie, Maddox (age 12) says that he has arthritis real bad too. She is looking at a new condo in downtown Atlanta.

  3. Heavy storms with intense rain here right now.

  4. Thanks for the box idea, Chance has the same problem one back leg is worse than the other. A step stool does not work! He totally refused! We had a storm here earlier...all is well:)
