Thursday, June 18, 2015

Fourth Day of the Week.......

My zebra finch is living the good life having his cage placed in the window. He crows a neat sound when ever I am around and am feeding him.  I suspect it is a warning sound.  He has been around for a long time living longer than any of other finches that I did have.  He is a nervous type and when he lived with other birds he would pull his feathers off of his neck.  I found that his living alone in a cage for the past 5 years or so has kept him from doing that.

I have read that finches and cockatiels could be in the same cage but I don't want to even try it.  Instead I keep his cage always right by the cockatiel cage and he seems happy with their company.  I spoke of back lighting yesterday with my photo and in this case it isn't really a good photo of him.  The big window gives me great back lighting if I wanted it but I don't.

I don't think there is ever a time when this rose has a pristine first great look.  The petals of it are so flimsy that it looks like it has been rained on when it first opens when it has not been bothered by weather.  i still like it as it is a historic old rose.  It almost died out just like the wild prairie rose that I have in the back yard. Both roses came back with rain, with small growth sprouts. I know that it will all return and invade the area again in a couple of years.

I shared a similar photo on them Photo a Day blog today.  The bishop's weed, (snow on the mountain or goutweed) has bloomed this year.  I think it is the first time ever that I have seen it bloom.  I have had the plant 15 years or more. It apparently likes a lot of spring rains in order for to put out flowers.

The new garden area which is planted on the ground that a giant spreading juniper once stood is looking really good.  It is a lot of unplanned planting and it still seems to look good.  The hosta got so big I had to pull bucket boy away from behind it so I could photograph him.  I was wrong yesterday about the dog's having a vet check up today.  It will be on Friday.  It worries us as I have a very difficult time getting Barney into the back seat of our car.  He is hesitant to  try to jump up into the car as sometimes his back legs don't work so well.  I do dread all of that.  My wife worries about Button as he gets so excited that she thinks he will give himself a heartattack.  He is being treated for heart problems anyway as he is 16 plus years old.  We will have to deal with that as it comes up in the morning.  It would be nice if we had just the right vehicle to carry Barney.  It would be nice if a vet would make house calls to give shots.

I have the same old stuff to do as I did yesterday.  I will keep working on it all until it all goes away from me.  It is cool this morning so a long sleeved shirt will feel good as I work in the gardens.  Thanks for stopping by today and do take care.


  1. Good Morning,
    Beautiful zebra finch. So glad he is happy by the window.
    Nice to see the roses and the Bishop's Weed bloom too.
    I will say a prayer that both dogs do fine going to the vet tomorrow.
    We had a mobile vet in place for Harriet and then when we urgently needed her, she did not answer her phone. I guess there are no perfect solutions.

    Praying all goes smoothly tomorrow.

  2. I used to have zebra finches. They were happy in or sun room and reproduced abundantly. Before I finally sold them we had a sun room full of cages of finches , lots of finch chatter, and scattered bird seed. I miss them sometimes , but then I go outside and watch my silly chickens, serene doves, and busy parakeets.

    I like your bucket boy.

    I hope your vet trip is nowhere near as difficult as you're expecting, but it is always good to be prepared.
