Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wednesday is a Wash..........

Barney's coat is still thick from the winter.  I need to brush him out more than I do. He is liking the good weather and is getting a lot more exercise as he patrols his back yard area.  On a good day he will forget his fears and just lay out there next to the fence waiting for something to bark at when they come too close. He is over 12 years old now. He will visit the doctor tomorrow to update some of the shots dog need.

The weather has been great for the flowers in the garden.  I have many blooms coming with all these buds that are showing here.  My ditch lilies had only three stalks come up last summer but this year I counted 14 or more stalks.  I was standing outside waiting for Button and counted while I had to kill time. I normally don't go around counting everything.  Button takes his time when he is outside and we have to lift him up that first back step to get him into the house.

It is lush also out by the corner where the ditch problem exist.  Work is not done yet on the ditch as they had to order a new culvert for the intersection at the next block. They tried taking out the old one and tried to lower it but it was broken in places when they lifted it out.  Again my culvert being too low has cause a lot more work and water still is not going uphill. We do see that our road going east and west is slated to be hit with new asphalt in the next couple of days.  The do need to warn us so we can get our car out of the drive and park across at the neighbors to the east.

They had to dam up the ditch so they could repair the area down hill a block and water continues to stand at the corner.

I had forgotten about how fertile Iowa dirt is and won't stay put when there is a rain.  My deep V-shaped ditch has sagged and shifted back into the ditch.  The ditch was a direct drop from the edge of that road to the bottom and now you can see it has all sunk back into the ditch.  I am not sure that they will ever get what the originally wanted from this project. I am certain that I will always have a pond now.  I am glad the town is spaying for mosquitoes.

This newly transplanted hosta looks good among all that grayer green.  I need to get more of that moved around as I have some pretty boring looking hostas, all being the same kind in some areas without any different values of green with them.

I have lots to do again today but getting the dogs cleaned up and trimmed a little is high on the list.  The two both go in tomorrow to the vet and they should have their hair combed and be presentable. I can finish mowing the yard but we will see how the time works out for me.  I still have framing jobs laying around half done and some not even started.  I will just peck away at that until I get some things done.

We have rain coming in this afternoon so we won't stay dry for very long.  I hope everyone is doing well today.  Thanks for stopping by for a visit.


  1. Barney is looking good! You are going to have to build Button a ramp! Cool here and it looks like rain:(

  2. Pets and plants. Both are keeping you busy.

  3. I've got one of those never-ending to-do lists too!

  4. I hope Button and Barney have a good visit tomorrow to the vet. That is so frustrating about the mess they have made on your road. I dread the paving job for you guys too.
