Friday, June 19, 2015

Final Day of the Week.......

It is an abstract shot for the first photo today.  The water in the pond reflects everything above it.  As I went out to feed the fish I found the container that I had left out there on a fence ledge had been opened and eaten by some creature.  I rinsed out the remains into the water and all the small fish that I bought last weekend were up and ready to eat.

I didn't ask for specific colors of fish when I bought them so the helper could just run her net through the water and drop them into the plastic bag.  I ended up with ten instead of eight and that was a nice bonus.  I like having different colors of goldfish otherwise they all just look alike. The spots you are seeing are created by fish food floating on the water.

I am glad that one of the fish is yellow gold.  I saw a koi for sale there that was metallic yellow but I resisted buying it.  I like having koi but they tend to jump out of the tank and die on the floor when I am not watching. I guess I did have them jumping out of the water onto the ground and that is when I declared them off limits. 

In the bird world today is this photo of a young cardinal.  I have young bluejays showing up at the feeder also.  If I had an adult eating at the feeder at the same time you would be able to see the size difference.  I don't know how long it takes them to be full size but I bet it won't take very long.

Also in the bird world in my yard I have photos of the mourning dove family.  I saw two eyes up there yesterday and ran to get the camera.  The zoom helped me to see what was up there as it is pretty high in the tree.

I also ssw the second chick as I walked around the tree.  I shared these photo on my photo a day blog. It was amazing to see how two days ago the adult was hovering over these two.  It was funny looking and i  still didn't have any idea how big the chicks would be.  This afternoon while I was out there, the adult was gone and only the two youngsters were home.

We are all back from the vet visit.  A bridge was being worked on when we got part way there so we had to make up a gravel road bypass of our own.  Some poor lady's cat was very sick so we had  a long wait to see the vet.  Button went first while I stayed in the car with Barney.  I did invent a platform to help get Barney in and out of our backseat.  He can't jump that distance anymore.  He liked it and liked it more when he got out of the car.  Barney always flirts with the help and gets treats.  Barney had lost some weight, that was good and Button lost two pounds and that was bad.  All in all the visit lasted twice as long even though we were very glad that the sick cat got the attention that it needed. Button only had one shot today as the vet thought he was too thin to take both shots at a time.  We will return for his rabies shot next month.  Barney took both shots and was glad to be outh of there.

The hardy geramium really did weather over well in the house.  A few rain shoers and this planter is looking great.  I did get out and cleared a weed patch this morning.  It got too hot so I had to quit and will finish tomorrow. I am hoping by the end of them month that I will have the major messes cleaned up on the property.  I did notice that the bush cherries are ready to be picked.  We make jelly out of the juice.  It is time consuming to pick them so that may happen tomorrow.    I wish everyone well and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Hello. Thank you for the vet update. I have been remembering you all in prayer. It is worrisome when pets lose weight when they don't have it to lose. I'm thankful that Button can wait a month about the rabies shot. Glad Barney liked the ramp/platform you made. I did not want you to hurt yourself trying to get him in the car. Funny that Barney flirts with the assistants. Our cat Ditto always did that and would come home with red lipstick on his fur!!!
    I enjoyed your fish photos today.
    It is too hot here to be outdoors. Mr. Stubborn (aka John) has finally agreed for us to hire someone to cut the grass during the next few weeks of horrible heat. He takes a medication that warns you to stay out of heat/sun.
    We did purchase a watermelon, strawberries, blueberries and peaches from the nearby orchard today. At lease we will be eating well for the weekend.
    I would like to wish you a happy father's day and blessings to AJ's dad too.

  2. Enjoyed the fish pond abstracts, Larry. And, the shot of the nesting doves was interesting as I had never seen any before even though we had many of them around our VA home. Wishing you a restful and enjoyable Father's Day weekend.

  3. What did you make the ramp out of? We tried a step stool with Chance, he wouldn't use it...then I saw online that they make a pet assist carrier...BUT I can make my own out of a large bath towel. It is hard when the dogs get older...and they are heavy too! At Buttons age he probably doesn't need a rabies shot...sometime shots are real hard on them:(
