Saturday, June 27, 2015

Saturday's Stuff.......

I was out picking one last batch of cherries.  While out there a neighbor walked down the alley with her two dogs.  She was startled to see a guy in the bush cherries but we had a good conversation while I picked the red ones.

We will take the three different pickings and now juice them getting everything ready for making jelly. It is fun to do and it is also a lot of complicated planning to pull it off.  Jars to find, certo and sugar to buy and checking to see if we have enough canning lids.  If things work out we hope just to make one batch of jelly but as usual we may have too much juice and we will have to make two batches. Sometimes we add water to extend the juice and sometimes I go out and pick a few more.  The resulting jelly does make it all worth while. I have a former student on facebook who made 65 jars of raspberry jam.  She said it took three hours to accomplish it.

We will have curbs.  Yesterday a road maintainer plowed up the side of the street with a special blade.  Apparently the street will be wider than it  originally was.  I will have a lot less grass to mow now as the dirt covers a couple of feet onto the yard and the other three feet is taken for the curb.

We can still get in and out of our driveway as they left a narrow space for us to back out the car. When they start putting in the new street we will be able to take the side yard and go out the alley.  Maybe Tuesday the tar and gravel starts to flow.

Before any new street goes down this guy will be be chopping and chewing up the old street material.

We are headed to downtown Des Moines this morning to view the art festival displays.  It covers a large area and that  will be a lot of walking.  Traditionally we hit Spaghetti Works for lunch and then go to the State Fair grounds to see the other indoor art festival.  It will be a lot of walking today but it will be fun to see it all.  Rain will return tomorrow but today we will have a clear sunny day.  Thanks for stopping in today.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you had a sunny day to enjoy your outing.
    The cherry jelly sure sounds tasty.
    It will be wonderful if/when they finish your street project. It seems these type jobs take so long.
    Wishing you two a good evening.
