Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Sunshine on Tuesday.......

The old fashion hydrangea is looking really good.  The blooms are filled with all those little flowers.  I was thinking that they had a little color in them but at this stage everything is pure white.  I will be watching and snapping shots if it starts to turn to a subtle color.

Another white puffball is Button.  He has had a haircut and a bath and he is looking really good. It is so difficult to cut his hair as he is more sensitive than ever about it.  I think that his eye sight is so little that he reacts to things touching him now rather than before when he knew and expected what we were doing.  It is a fuzzy photo as I took it in the evening with low light. He does love a good pillow for napping.

This particular Asiatic lily surprised me this year.  I thought I had lost it last year and it barely put out a stem and then didn't go ahead and bloom.  This year is is looking good.  The lily doesn't know that I have to move it after it blooms as that part of the garden area is going to have some changes. I have plans to extend the porch a couple of feet right there  and it will not have any open area there for plants to grow.

It looks like wheat but I doubt that it is.  It is something that came up from the fallen seed of the bird feeder.  We never had wheat grown in our area so I don't recognize it as being that but it sure looks like something similar.

I had different kind of things come up from the bird feeder and most of them looked more like a thistle plant or maybe even millet. I keep feed in the feeder as the birds really still come for a handout once in a while. As I mentioned before the young cardinals and bluejays think it is a good way way to find food.  I do think I saw my young mourning doves yesterday over on another sidewalk.  They didn't quite know what they were doing but they were both down on the ground looking around.  I didn't any photos as they were just to far from me.

My grandma's regale lily was moved over here at the corner of the new fence that I built last year. I think it likes this area as it shot up right away in the spring and there are two big buds on it.  The bulb has been moved a lot of times and I think this hot morning sun area is the perfect place for it.

Next to the lily is a day lily and the barberry bush.  They  make great company with a hosta and the regale lily and wild ferns.  That is called spontaneous gardening with not a plan.  I thought it was a great place to start new things and as I found things to move there I just put them in to the area. I have to kill back the ferns as they still want to grow all over my yard. 

Most of my hostas are now in partial bloom. I will get better shots of these as time goes on.

We have construction people a half a block away from us this morning putting in a new culvert that apparently was on order.  That road has been closed for weeks. The culvert is to facilitate our water to flow down the hill.  I know now that it isn't going to work.

Eventually if we get big rains the law of nature will wash away a path removing dirt to get it to work somewhat better.  In a years time it will be interesting to see how things have settled and what is growing on those banks of the ditches.  

It is cool this morning and I am headed out to mow grass, pick cherries and cut a few stray trees starts out of my spirea.  I will have to wear a long sleeved shirt at first and then will shed down to short sleeve when it warms up. I think we were 64 degrees F. this morning.   Summer is here and I am still trying to catch up.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your flowers are looking beautiful and healthy Larry !
    We have a pair of Endless Summer hydrangea but sadly the deer love them as much as we do :)
    Beautiful lilies, and happy to see they have returned.
    Sweet Buttons, aging pets pull at my heartstrings.....
    Stay cool Larry.

  2. Ooh, that white Hydrangea is gorgeous. And I have that hosta that is in the front of the bottom photo. Mine loves my shade garden. I bought a new one this week that is 2 shades of green, including chartreuse.......I love that yellow green brightness. I think it is called Gold Coast.

  3. Your Hydrangea is beautiful! Button looks pretty cute...he just needs more treats while someone cuts his hair! I mowed again today..it is never ending with the rains...but we are supposed to get hot soon:)

  4. Actually, I looked tonight, and it is called Gold Standard. I saw one tonight at Walmart that is shaped like the one in your photo, nice fat leaves, but variegated medium and chartreuse green.....it was called Alligator Alley, and I hope to snag one when they drop the price.

  5. Button is an adorable puffball. My cats are all seniors, too. I wish they didn't have to get old...and us, too.
    The flowers and plants are beautiful.
    P.S. I sure miss Sepia Saturday, but it just got to be too much work for a lazy person like me. I still read it, tho.
