Friday, July 3, 2015

The Day After.....

As we were having that last cup of coffee, having finished breakfast, I could hear a work crew out at the corner of the property.  I knew that they were going to tear out two squares of our old 1930's sidewalk and rework it with new concrete walk that will ramp up to the new highly elevated street.

Instead of approaching the sidewalk for removal from the road they approached it from the side.  The problem with the side angle was that the plantings I had there were in the direct path.  A small fork lift machine went in on top of it a couple of times tromping down, smashing it all.

This is what it looks like now after I removed all of the smashed plants.  I was exhausted by the time I had dug and replanted every thing so I did not return to collect the two hostas in the back.  I was foolish as they returned to get one more block of cement out of there I lost the hosta on the right.  I know it is trivial things but it is sad that someone of the company or the city mayor who keeps driving by on his golf cart could not warn me that it was going to become no man's land again.  I planted the area  ten years ago when the city came in and took away the large silver maple that sat there.  I planted the garden in memory of the loss of the beautiful tree.

So as a result of this I now have white iris planted all over my property.  I had a large daylily that was very mature which I divided three times and I saved a yucca plant. The remaining hosta was dug after their second work session and I have replanted it in its full glory up the street.  I didn't have the heart to cut it up into parts as it was in full bloom.

I fully understand as to why it had to be done that way but communications of what is happening continues to frustrate the whole neighborhood.  My neighbor guy was out to see me last night while I was walking Barney.  He isn't around during the day to see all that is going on but he wasn't happy.  His sidewalk opposite me was 5 years old and they removed a huge section of and took it away.  The reason is they have to ramp all the sidewalks up to meet the height of the road.  This whole job really questions the new generation of people who are in charge.  When the asphalt has to be removed, they will have all these ramped up sidewalks to match up to again when replacing it again.

This is a smaller daylily that I have in bloom. It is a quieter statement in the garden with its subtle color and small size.  I think this was one of my arboretum purchases in the past years.

I planted a lot of white iris along the back of the house where this is growing.  I put in a couple of parts of the daylily there also. Planting in this area forced me to clear unwanted grasses and weeds before I could plant.  It was on my list to do and I had to move it to the top of the list.  I left all of the green trash on the grass so I will be raking that all up this morning.

While doing my rescue I also found tulip bulbs.  I will replant them in a new area.  I remember that the flower is a small red and white one and I post its blooms every spring.  I don't know what to do with the tiny little ones that are there but I assume I am to plant them at the same height as the larger ones.  I think I am correct that I don't plant these as deep as a normal sized tulip bulb.

I really don't know where I got my start of coneflowers but they are apparently of a lighter colored variety.  Most call them purple coneflowers but mine do not get that dark in color.  I will be scouting wally mart to see what they still have available. The rains have made them grow very tall this year.

The hollyhocks in this area didn't survive the winter. I don't understand why as they have a very long root. I have a few hollyhocks that are out by the old windmill and maybe they will shot up some sprouts for blooms.

Well, yard clean up is still in order and I will need to get some mowing done today.  I should be able to stay on my chosen tasks today and I hope it stays a quiet day.  The furnace was on this morning as we were colder this morning than yesterday.  We are promised to get up to 80 degrees F. so I will shed long sleeves before I get done.  I hope all is well with everyone and that you all have a good day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I am just sick about the lack of consideration for your plantings. That was a lot of hard work for you to do in a short amount of time. All that digging is not good for anyone. This whole project seems to be unorganized.
    We had rain just about all night. The new guy hired to cut the grass has had to postpone. Mud from our neighbor is washing down on our new row of sod - it's always something!!! We are much cooler today and have the windows open.
    You two have a wonderful July 4th. We went out for a burger today and will eat a hot dog here at home tomorrow.

  2. I would be very upset with them, but after all that work you had to do the flowers will be lovely next year.

  3. That was quite a rescue. At least you were able to rescue them, and next year they will look okay. The City sure makes a lot of work for its residents. Warm here today and the air quality is bad from the Canadian fires. We have the air on and are staying in mostly except to walk the dog:)
