Monday, July 27, 2015

A Monday Moment.......

Monday's seem to be difficult for one to get up and get going.  Our neighbor's cat who is vacationing at our house for the summer found some cool dirt on which to sleep. It was a very hot day.  He also likes to curl up on and in the foliage of any garden and sleep.  It is funny as you can hear him meowing as you  walk by and he is undercover at the time.  The hostas seem to be calling out like a cat.

The neighbor's white shadow comes over for a quick check of the cat food bowl and then scampers back to her house.  She is not so friendly but I can stand a few feet from her now when before she would run away quickly.

The never ending cat food bowl now has to come in at night now.  As I was ready to go out to take Barney for an evening walk a very large racoon was enjoying the dry cat food. They should be busy eating the corn in the field across the street but I bet he was over for a few free falling apples.  I don't mind seeing the raccoon but I don't like it living on the roof of my house or on the side porch.  I think I have enough branches trimmed off of the pine to keep it off my house now.

I am returning this morning to finish my job of moving iris to a new bed.  It just got too hot last Friday and I couldn't work any longer.  I have about three iris clumps to dig.  The new area where they are being transferred is lawn turf.  I will need to do some good digging to clear it back to soil.  This rhizome is one that I salvaged off of the big clumps of iris that she had.  It really was time for the neighbor's  iris to be dug and split up for better growth.  She was telling me she wanted to buy a red peony to be place in area of her dog cemetery and I said I had one to giver her.  I don't know it I will dig that today but it will be in the future.

One blogger friend was sharing his green hydrangea and he was explaining that it would eventually turn white.  My old fashion one does the opposite.  The white bloom above is a stray new sprout that bloomed late.  The rest of my shrub has now turned to this green. I find it amazing that they can mess with the genetics of things and get those kind of results.

I actually have two stray white blooms out now and it is great to see them. It is on the north of the house and I had figured the hydrangeas were done now.  My memories of this kind of plant is one of a house in Murray, Iowa.  My Uncle and Aunt rented a two story house and all around the porch were these shrubs.  As a kid I thought they were strange and thought they looked like puff ball plants. Later would I know that I have that now same kind of  plant growing at my house.

 This is the kind of work that is left to be done. Some dirt has been placed on the edge of the road but that other road still needs it.  I tripped off of the one in the background last night as it is a good 6 or 7 inch drop off from the road to the edge.  I was told they would add more dirt.  The sidewalk connection will take manual labor with a shovel or spade to finish up the job.  No machinery can do that particular job.  I am anxious to see how the whole area on the left side of the sidewalk will be treated.  They will need to bring in a lot of dirt to get it all at one level.

I will finish off the blog with a large dash of color.  This day lily keeps blooming and showing off its color.  I should go back and see in my blog when it first started to bloom. I have sedum in the area that will start blooming in a couple of weeks.

Odd jobs can be done all day if I just do them.  I have a frame job yet to get assembled and that shouldn't take long. I will share someday as to the frustration that I am having with the new modern stains and finishes.  I don't like the color that they put out anymore.

I appreciate you stopping by today, I hope I have caught all the spelling errors and my sentence structures are not too fragmented.  I notice that when I am tired I tend to change my tenses of verbs wildly and freely.  I always use too many adverbs.  Anyway, thanks for stopping in today.


  1. I do love seeing the neighborhood cats. Raccoons, squirrels etc. can really damage a home; I can't blame you for bringing in the cat food at night.
    I still am frustrated at your sidewalk/road job. My mom wss taught by the School for the Blind to walk on the sidewalks around our home. The drop off that your guys have left is dangerous! (for anyone)
    Don't get too hot today.

  2. Larry,
    I so love the mystic of cats and your photos have captured it so well. I had a little chuckle at the shots of the white kitty, her expression of “Hay! What you looking at” is wonderful. – G

  3. Always enjoy reading your blog. I need so much to move and make new iris beds but it is just to hot to be out . My new lily bed around the sump pump is growing but not very photo worthy yet.
    You have a great place!
