Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sunday's Stream of Shots.........

It was very hot and humid but the road crew worked yesterday and got it done. Everyone was peering out of their windows or were on their porches watching the final process being accomplished.

They had two machines to lay out the asphalt.  Being Saturday they must have had a difficult time getting a full crew to work.  They had the one crew ride and lay out asphalt on the west side of the road and then they would just stop and get off the machine.  The three or four guys got off the machine and walked down to the other one and spread asphalt on the east side of the road.  It was a cat and mouse game all the way up the street.

This is the crew coming up Cedar on the east side of the street.  The roller guy in the background hurries and presses the two seams together once the second side is done. The young girls next door were out in the afternoon with their roller boards riding up and down it.  Cars are not allowed to be on it yet but they were sure enjoying a very smooth hard surface.

Out my front window you can see the last of the laying of the asphalt on Cedar past E. 6th street.  It was a wonderful moment to see it moving up the street and away from us.

With the street closing down I had parking on my street.  I had told people the last time to park on the grass and get off the street.  I got a free banana bread loaf off of that deal. It was good.  This should be the last for the road.  I think it will be the last area for the whole town.  I had heard quoted that they were three weeks behind what they had planned to do.

Saturday was a planting and replanting day for me.  With all the noise I was out putting things in the ground and repotting things that had outgrown their containers.  All the new iris starts are in the ground and watered and the mandevilla is in a pot.  It does not have buds blooming yet so I won't share a photo of that until it does.  I have been seeing a lot of mandevillas on other's blogs.

My wife always wanted to have asters as her mother had asters.  She remembers that the butterflies really like them.  I had been looking for plants every time I went to the Walmart and finally they had them for sale.  I hope they will winter over well.  They will get a cover of leaves just in case this fall.

This window box of hardy geraniums has been slow to bloom.  Those who follow me regularly know that I take a large quantity of dramatic shots against the fence.  I am sure you will notice that I will be doing it again this year. This is the red orange one and I will have to wait and see what colors are in the rest of the pot.

Another hot a humid night last night.  Rain can be threatening off an on today.  We will see what happens as it does happen. We had a thunderstorm early morning giving us another inch of rian. It was a noisy storm but we didn't have any damage. The temps are to be in the 90's today.Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Larry,
    It is good to hear that the paving has been completed. I hope it will be only a short while that normal daily rhythms return to your neighborhood.

    Judging by your last couple of post you have been a right busy gardener, everything is looking wonderful. Just don’t overdo. I have seen on the weather channel that you guys are really getting some heat in your area. – G

  2. Yay! They are done with your street! It was warm here yesterday and looks like it will be 90 and humid today. That is a beautiful aster!! :)

  3. I'm glad the paving is past your house now. Our local streets and highways are really needing some work, but the highway department doesn't seem to have very good funding.
    My mother loves geraniums and I think they are so pretty. She always has some put out in a black kettle out in front of her house.
    Have a great day!

  4. I can only imagine how thankful all of you on the street are that this project is done. Those are such lovely asters. I hope you and your wife enjoy them and that they bring a lot of butterflies to photograph! I've visited a few bloggers today that are enjoying being indoors on a rainy afternoon.

  5. Progress marches on! We had a similar upgrade 2 years ago...

  6. Oh what a relief for you and your neighborhood to have the asphalting done. It is interesting to see just how they do it though.

    Your plants are looking very pretty, even the red geranium. I love geraniums and they do very well for me.
