Friday, July 24, 2015

Friday's Photos.........

I shared a different shot of this very same plant on my other blog. It is a wonderful daylily and keeps on blooming. I have a horizontal shot of this plant on my Photo a Day blog.

This Asiatic lily has done well with me gathering it all up from off of the ground. The metal bracket I found in a dumpster.  It was used to hold wreathes at cemeteries.  I don't know why someone would throw three of them away at one time but they did.

I was discussing the color of red that this hardy geranium was and today I noticed that the geranium that sits on the other porch is the one with deep rich red color.  It is now budded and is partially opened up with one bloom.  You will be seeing it posted once it makes a decent showing.

I didn't catch a bug, bee or butterfly on this flower but it seemed to be in perfect form.  I was out there this morning filling my watering can from the wheel barrel and put water on needed plants.  All the tomatoes got watered and my minimal bed of zinnias were watered this morning.  The water in the barrel was full of hatched out mosquito larvae so I had to dump it immediately.  Everything got watered with larvae included. It wasn't on my list to do but I could not just dump all that water onto the ground.

The sedum planting  is doing well in the tile.  I planted it a couple of weeks ago and I am pleased as to how it has perked up and looks healthy.  It got some of the water from my watering can put on this too.

I keep checking on the new plants that I planted from my smashed flower bed that was along the road.  Everything looks to be very much alive.  I really like seeing the iris putting up brand new sprouts already. The daylily doesn't show much change but it isn't dead so I am sure those roots will work out and bloom next year.

I moved another day lily yesterday morning, one that I had first of all my daylilies.  It was not doing well where I planted it years ago so I moved it over to a garden area where daylilies are thriving. It location became shady both morning and afternoon because someone planted a yew shrub near it.  I have plans to move a red peony in the future as well and an older Asiatic lily bulb.  I am going to extend the length of my porch in that area and things need to be moved.

Our wonderful grandson is eating his corn on the cob.  He is discovering so many new things like corn and watermelon.  Strawberries are his favorite right now.  Just like grandpa he glows when people talk about cake.  Chocolate cake is his favorite. They do grow up fast and when you are a grandparent it seems really fast.  If we were around on a daily basis it would not seem so fast.

I am headed next door to move an iris bed this morning.  It will be cool enough for about an hour and the temperatures will determine how long I work at it.  I know the neighbor wants to fill in the empty bed with more soil and get it grassed over before fall. I will do what I can do to make it happen.

I see the garbage trucks went by early today so I suspect we will get our final surface of asphalt put on today.  The garbage people are notified to get their job done so they won't get in the way when all the trucks of hot asphalt hit town.  I still need the dirt work done around the sidewalk but it is getting close for some grass seed to be planted along the roads. 

It is Friday and the weekend is coming.  We need to buy groceries some time today and we will need to stay cool the rest of the time.  It is going to be a hot day today.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Good Evening. Such pretty photos of your flowers. That cone flower is gorgeous. I love the sedum, too. AJ is such a fine young fellow and I love to see a child enjoy his food. I just sent you an email with some "funnies" for you and your wife.

  2. Your grandson is growing fast, Larry, as our our two grandchildren. You may be right about not noticing the difference if you saw him more often as we feel the same way. The pink coneflower was a beautiful bloom today.
