Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Weekend Begins.........

I moved an iris bed from a circle bed to a bed that lines a fence. I had to spade up the whole new area removing water grass and weeds. The tools stay out as I didn't get done with about three clumps of iris and will have to move them another day.

My neighbor said to pull out samples for myself.  That is just what I need is more flowers.  I was not greedy and just took the small ones that were attached to the larger rhizomes.  I am hoping that I have 5 or 6 new colors of iris.  They will go into the ground this morning.  I was to return to the neighbors today to get the job done. They are officially going to work on the road today to put on the last asphalt.  I could get stuck over there or have to walk back across hot steaming asphalt.

This is what I see from the back side of my fence where all the bee balm are growing.  I just finished cutting out a few mulberry starts and it impressed me that it  looks like what it is suppose to again, It just took me two months to get it done.

I have a lot of old farm stuff in storage in my yard.  I may get to keep some of it but my brother in law thinks he wants it all back once he can find a place to put it.  I have them dumped over so the rainwater won't collect and encourage mosquito reproduction. Their storage outside helps with the aging process. I have a pile of tires with rims in them that I need to start disposing. I have to get the tires off of the rims first and then pay the landfill money to take them.

As I was staking up a tomato plant on the patio I had this land on my foot.  They are small tomatoes that are so slow to ripen.  We had a strong wind and the plant was falling down on me.  I found a tomato cage out among my farm junk and put it to work.

The hardy geranium on the side porch did start to bloom and this is my deep red variety.  I like this one best of the reds.  The ones of old almost were an orange red and I don't think we see them for sale anymore.  Iowa weather works well for these plants as they love the humidity and a good hot sun. 

I saw lots of plants on half price sales yesterday at Walmart.  I resisted mostly but did buy a mandevilla and an aster.   I would like to get a patch of asters growing for the butterflies. Photos will be coming soon of the aster but the mandevilla is not blooming but does have buds.  I will have to bring that in in the fall.

I am going to rest most of the day today.  I have a few hobby like things to do but nothing with spades and shovels.  I think this plant is root bound and will try to separate today.  I have to find a bigger pot for it. It is new from last winter and it just doesn't grow. I clear some roots and divide to see if I can get it to grow.  My little iris will be planted and the aster goes into the ground today. 

It was very humid all night last night and the low 70's right now are not comfortable to be in this morning.  It is to get hotter.  While they do the road this morning we will be hearing a lot of noise but it is a good sound of things getting done.  There has been a layer of thick oil placed on the road so they will have to cover that up next with the last layer of asphalt.  I think we will just hunker down today and stay out of the way of everything and everybody.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. I hope the samples of iris will be varying colors for you. I do love this deep red geranium best of all. I know you two will be happy for the asphalt work to be completed. I don't blame you for staying in today.
    John and I might get out one day and then the next day it seems to catch up with us and we are sluggish! lol
    We have had to water some of our newer plants. It appears that our new sweet shrub did not make it. Wayside Gardens will probably replace it - I just hate to start that process!
    Take care and I hope you are not too sore from moving the neighbor's plants.

  2. p.s. as usual, once I publish my comment and re-read your post, I think of something else I should have said. Seeing your green tomato reminds me that when Larry's son was dating, he asked me to fry green tomatoes for her to try. She loved them BUT he told me later that the house smelled like fried green tomatoes!!! lol can't win!

  3. You could take the tops off those milk cans and sit the cans in amongst your flowers with pots of flowers in them. I like your wheels too:)
