Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thursday's Things.......

My ferns have done well with all the moisture.  Some people don't like them but I like them a lot.  I remember ferns as a kid, thinking they were a town plant only.  I didn't see them around farmhouses but in town most houses had some ferns along one side of their foundations.  The ones I remember most are the ones that would be planted on both sides of the front porch making the porch seem like the grand entrance.  The ferns I have here were always were here when I bought the place.  I think old houses and fern belong together.

Some people call these pinks. Dianthus is the name I now remember.   I need to remember to move these from my pot and put them into the ground this fall.  Our neighbors to the south have huge plants of these that survive the winter quite well.  I know they are on the east side of the house and are in full sun, no shade trees.

My camera can't keep from taking photos of the field lilies.  This one is blooming out on the east side of the property and it is the last bloom for year from that planting.  The bloom was leaning out into the sidewalk next to my blue gate so I just took a shot of it.

I post on a facebook site or group of photos taken by Iowans.  One photo was shown of this flower.  A person had received a start of the lily and it was still in a plastic bag with just a little bit of soil.  It bloomed right out of her bag as she had not got it planted. I don't think she realize that it was just a ditch lily but it is a great plant.

I made a feeble attempt to take a photo of a spider web.  I had just taken the photo of the ferns and I thought a close up of the balsam pine would look good.  There was the spider web. I may keep trying as the day light changes on different days. You can sort of see it even though it is not distinct.

This is our view as of yesterday from out our dining room window.  The yellow Asiatic lilies are all gone but the phlox and other dayliles continue to bloom. What I see here is a quick memory blink of what we see during the winter.  I don't even want to think about it but the feeder reminds me of the other times of our lives.  I have a hummingbird feeder in the window and I think I have seen birds fly by it twice.  They seem to come only during the evening and I see them from the couch in the living room as they fly by the window.  I am hoping that they were there to eat from the feeder.

 I had planned to start moving an iris bed for my neighbor this morning.  I guess it will be on hold for now.  Maybe tomorrow morning I can start it.  She really isn't able to move it and I have it on my to do list.  I do have all summer but someone is always just a little bit anxious to get things done over there. I think but don't know for sure that the next surface job will be done today and I can't cross the road if that happens.

I have trim board to make one more picture frame.  A customers kids dropped a frame job I had done years ago and I get to put it all back together again.  I bought a heaver frame for it and I will share the historic map that is in it later on in my future blogs.

My fingers are all back to being flexible today and I can hit the keys like w without any bother of taped up fingers today.  Mower vibrations messes with me a lot. We are going to be a little bit warmer today but it won't get too extreme until tomorrow.  Getting work done outside on those days means getting outside early.  I know a lot of my blog friends are really having too much heat.  I hope our cool air is coming your way now as it is moving south.  Thanks for stopping by today.

ps.  the little guy hanging in the tire is a gift from my wife years ago and it has always been inside.  I put it out for the first time this year under the viburnum bush.


  1. Hi !! Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog !
    I'm delighted with your garden. I admire the flowers and wonderful decorations !
    Happy Day !

  2. Happy Friday. Glad to hear your fingers/hands are better. I know you tire of reading about my memories of plants you have BUT your photos of the ferns jogged my memory of Nalley Valley home where ferns lined both sides of the creek. We could successfully move those ferns to strategic places in the landscape. Sister Karen always had a flower bed of pinks...I did not realize until later in life that the jagged or "pinked" edges of dianthus is how they got that name. Grandma was a seamstress and as a kid, I loved to cut cloth with her pinking shears to get that pretty design! That is such a pretty view of your garden and I love the angel your wife gifted you. We are hoping to have slightly cooler weather over the weekend in order to clean out the garage. Wishing you both a pleasant weekend.
