Friday, September 25, 2015

Final Finish.....of the Week.

We had a day yesterday with no rain falling from the sky. We still have water puddles here and there and some parts of the state again got very large amounts of rain.

The Asiatic lily that I moved because of the cable guys, likes its new space. I didn't put much thought as to where I put it but this space should be great for next spring when it blooms.  I have a built in background that just won't change much.

While out taking photos of the morning glories I spotted this orange ladybug.  It doesn't look like it has any spots but it may be just the light reflection blocking the view.

I have read articles that criticize some cameras because they just don't get the color correctly duplicated.  I think that really does vary because of the light differences. I think the credit card thin ones were discussed about not being very refined.  The more expensive camera took the photo of the correct color blue.  I guess it is my job to  correct the blue by photoshop manipulation when the top camera doesn't give me true color.  I know that I do always work with the reds on my camera, the top photo one, but I didn't realize that I need to check out the blue too. A digital is an amazing invention and I really don't complain as one really doesn't have to face a court of law and prove you have true colors.  I belong to a facebook site that takes photos of Iowa to share.  I do know that a lot of photos I see are being made to look better because of the camera or the editing of them.

The photo tells its own story.  They bloomed early this year and half the season they lay on the ground because of high winds and rain.  The rest of the season they were staked up with twine to keep them semi vertical.

While at school I didn't get to see this in full bloom.  I did think it had a lot of character while in the shape that it is in so I snapped a shot.  I really like all the colors but red is my favorite.  I like that white line that it has on the back of the bloom.

I have worked all five days this week and it seems to be a good one. I think the year is a better year here at the school and the students seem to be better behaved.  It is hard to learn names but once you get a name down of a challenging student things improve.  Every single class has its own personality and one can not predict what it is.  After the first five minutes you do know what the period will be like.   I had a quiet first hour and then second hour was more like a hurricane.  They finally got to work and things did settle down.

This is homecoming week so it has been an exciting week for the kids.  Today they have an all school pep rally that will last an hour so it is a shortened day.  That makes all staff happy and me too.  Warm and muggy today but it will be a typical fall day.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Light affects colors and how we see them, some cameras are better than others. I had a small HP Camera that photographed reds wonderfully...I miss that camera:)

  2. That shot of the droopy morning glory is lovely!
