Thursday, September 24, 2015

I Lost a Day........

When I finally had time to go outside, it was gray muggy Tuesday afternoon .  I could only save about a third of the photos that I took.  This photo was taken at that low light and it does look like I was working for a special effect.  The impatience is liking this weather though and is doing well with all the moisture in the air.

I didn't get any blogging done on this site yesterday.  It was one of those days.   I had some photos assembled and then I arrived to school. 

This morning glory, my newest variety has not bloomed since Sunday.  In fact most of the glories did not bloom.  I guess they are reacting to the weather.  It was nice that Sunday was their day as I did get a lot of photos.

While I am at school today this is what I would have seen if I were home.  I noticed this morning while out with the dogs that the bud was just starting to open.  I had not seen it bloom since last Sunday.  It did hold its bloom open for two days straight night and day.

The rains have helped  the dahlia to finally bloom.  There are other buds but I don't know if I will ever see them open.  Everything in the dahlia world is late.  They had their leaves all eaten off and then they all came back with new foliage. I do have to remember to dig these three to save them over for next spring. I really do like the color of this one.

I have seen a certain insect do this to the hollyhocks before now.  I didn't have hollyhocks bloom this year but this scarce one did have three big leaves.  The insect apparently eats only the green and not veins.

A sure sign that fall is coming is showing of the colors on the burning busy.  I also noticed last night while outside that I have a bank of leaves now on the patio.  Thing are changing fast as our days get shorter.  I would like to see the time changed back to normal now as I don't like getting up an hour in the dark before the sun comes up for the day.

I have subbed for a music teacher the past two days. A part of his day is to drive to the elementary to teach kindergarten and first grade students.  I did that yesterday and will do it again today.  I taught art to kindergarten students back in the late1970's but I haven't been in that age group for a long time. I am sharing music on videos to help them understand how music makes us feel differently in different parts of the movies.  The one is a marching song that I share and the little first graders could not keep from moving their feet while sitting on their rug.

We are having lots of rain and lots of cloudy days.  It would be nice if it would start to clear soon.  Fall days shouldn't be stormy everyday.   Thank you for stopping in to my post today. 

1 comment:

  1. When you work it is hard to keep up! Your Morning Glories are beautiful! Music in the elementary school sounds like fun! :)
