Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Still Green....

One of my newest hostas has such a wonderful pattern on its leaves.  It really has not been one of my best growers but I assume it needs to self multiply some more to make it look more robust.  The leaves are interesting as they are not repeating the exact same pattern on each leaf. 

The red glories next to the back door come and go so fast that I am not getting photos of them.  In the afternoon I can get shots of the buds that are ready to open for the next morning.  They bloom and fold up within an hour or two. 

A neighbor across the way has one of these blooming.  I am thinking it is a rose of sharon but I am not certain.  I snapped the photo a few days back and it was lost in the pile of all the photos in the file.

I get questions about the blue door in the backyard quite frequently.  A student at school yesterday commented on it and though the blue was so cool.  He also asked as to what made me think to paint it in the first place.  I need to rebuild my other blue door on the west side of the yard.  It is on my list to get done before the snow flies.  It may be redesigned as I don't have time for picky detail right now.

I have files of photos saved on my computer but they are also saved in my picasa storage.  I find this to be a quicker way to find things so I don't delete them.  Eventually I will just have to do it.

I am at school again today and I just now remember that I have a group of shots of a dahlia that just started blooming.  I guess that will happen tomorrow.

Putting the work hours at school back into my life has been a lot overwhelming.  Two days in a row is ok but it seems to be that I need to get back into shape for the job. We are having good weather and it is nice to be having somewhat normal temperatures. I appreciated you stopping in today.


  1. Yep, that is a double Rose of Sharon. I have those and the singles....I like the singles for the extra burst of dark color in the middle of most of them, though my newwhite one is ALL white. But I have a small planting that has 2 different colors of doubles growing together, and the pale pink ones look like carnations.....like the one you photographed.

  2. I love that blue door! Adds some nice flair to your house.

  3. At a previous home, someone had planted two of the double Rose of Sharons. This summer, I found a single Rose of Sharon at a great discount...it is lavender and red and has done well.
    Your blue gate is pretty. I bet if you were to do a google street search on your home, you could see the blue gate. About this time last year, some girlfriends from college visited me. We kept hearing a helicopter hover above the house. Turns out it was google and shortly after their visit, I discovered their cars in my driveway on the google earth computer view!
