Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thursday's Things......

As Barney has always been the king of the hill he stays on the steps for his guarding duties. Even though he is older he still does his best to continue the job.  He now, though, sits at the top of the step and rests.  Anybody going by will be greeted and barked at to encourage them to move on.  He will get up and go do that job, but he will return back to his perch.  A couple of morning walkers always get equal treatment from him and any stray cat or squirrel will receive his scorn.

A mystery photo that I share here is one of a work in progress from my wife's studio.  You will have to enlarge it to see it, as the light from the skylight turned the photo into a magic view. I will share the finished work once the whiskers are done.

We are heading into cold season.  I brought the two oxalysis plants inside last evening.  I remember from last fall when this one was left out too late and the entire foliage sprawled sideways all winter. It was wilted when I brought it in this time but this morning it has perked up to its new warm climate.

A quick shot that didn't get edited is shown here.  I have three of these blooming and of course they are all from the same plant.  I realized last night while I was moving stems that the plant is one large one that has sprawled out the three different directions.  I should have staked it but the last dahlias I had didn't need to be staked. I am just a beginner sometimes when I look at things that go on out in the garden.

I am at home today.  I had to turn down the same job twice and refused to be tempted.  I hate not getting work but when I am sick I should not be working.  I went in yesterday to put in a half day and ended up staying the whole day because someone went home with the same kind of virus that I have.  It didn't make me worse but it didn't make me heal up any either.

I am better.  I find it so strange to not hear the continual roar anymore.  I really did think the wind was blowing outside. Sinus infection is all gone except for the continue use of a handkerchief.  The lungs are gleefully allowing me to cough up the kitchen sink now which is making me feel better. Mentally I am ready to take on the whole world and yet now that I can freely breathe my body thinks I should catch up on sleep.  My wife and I both had the same virus but somehow we each had different progressions of it. She is still very tired too.

This is a free chair that I picked up off the curb a few days ago.  The Windsor design and the hardwood that it is made from makes it a really steal.  It matches a lot of our old furniture and if I had another one I will make them our kitchen chairs.  The house next door went officially on the market. I think reltor and friends placed the last of the content on the curb a few days ago.  They were showing it yesterday afternoon.

The housing market in this town has really dropped.  I was checking prices on the computer and about 5 of them all have unusually low prices.  Some people who are in charge of this country say that we are in great shape, but I can buy two different houses for under $50,000. That is a sad state of affairs. I can see why we have some people buying them up and renting them.

I will finish off with this sculptural form of the morning glory.  I hope that I shared less flowers today.  I will be interested to see if this vine will bloom out the one bud in spite of the cold.

It is Thursday and we have one more day until the weekend.  I appreciate your stopping by today. 


  1. Wow, chilly temps for you already. I just came in from sweaty work outside. There is a breeze from the northwest and it feels great down here in s.e. FL. :-)

    I look forward to seeing your wife's finished painting. It already looks great.

    Great curbside fine.

    Love that blue/white morning glory.

    Happy Fall ~ FlowerLady

  2. Good to see Barney, his coat is wavy, Chances gets like that sometime too! Your Barney is a good guard dog. Glad to hear you are getting better! Good for you taking the day off to get all better! Love that Blue Morning is a Heavenly color! :):)


  3. So sorry to hear you and your wife are sick. I look forward to viewing her completed art. This morning glory shot is gorgeous too. Barney sure takes his job seriously! He has a nice perch to lay on to patrol the property! It's hard to believe cold weather is close. We have enjoyed steady rain the last few days and the weekend should be cooler. Hope you both have a restful weekend.
