Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday's Not Muchness.......

The artist Georgia O'keefe created many oil paintings of flowers.  I have seen her apple blossoms one in Kansas City.  She also painted large canvases of morning glories.  This photo of the heavenly blue morning glory is cropped to look like one of her paintings.

My violets are not getting much personal care over the summer but this one thinks I am doing things right. They are so touchy and if I let them dry out they set buds but then I water them just a little to keep them blooming.  Over watering means the plant goes down again and wilts.  Sometimes I just can't bring them back.  I think right now that the sun is moving lower into the south and I need to move them away from the window a little bit.

After coming home Sunday afternoon I was surprised by one more different color variety of morning glory.  It has that pink stripe in it between its section.  While the blue one and this one is blooming the red one has slowed down in its bloom time. A facebook friend that lives in my area said she too was having morning glories blooming for the very first time in the last weeks of September.

I am happy to see this sedum doing so well in the clay tile. I have said before that we had this variety down on the farm when I was young and it sat in an old chicken watering pan out by the pump.  It bloomed yellow or white blooms every spring.

While walking into the building at school this morning I found a section of the sedum autumn joy on the sidewalk.  A teacher had been doing some landscaping this weekend and it must have been a piece that broke off from the main plant.  I have it is water right now, hoping I can get it to root.

A frame job I am working on right now is a drawing done by a high school student.  It is large and has taken a lot of time to get it to be all in one piece.  I have about a half hour of work left to do on it and it will be done.

I think the student copied the character from a comic book and as you can see the cat is hanging on tightly hoping not to be left behind. It was done in black ball  point pen with many lines to create values and textures.

I am in the high school English classroom today.  It is the upper classes of the grades so they are reading and doing a lot with literature. The messed up photo at left reminds me of what it feels like to get back into the substitute teaching mod.

Trying to interpret directions from the written ones from the teacher is sometimes a big challenge.  I know most of the kids names but a lot of them have changed in appearance from over the summer.  It is homecoming week so the kids are a lot wired for fun for the whole week. Unlike last week where I only taught a half day, I will be here all day.

It is cold today for a while but we will warm up nicely. Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Your morning glories are so pretty. It makes me think about growing them again.

    Enjoy subbing and have a great home coming week ~ FlowerLady

  2. Morning glories are so very photogenic!

  3. I am in awe of God's beautiful world - isn't that amazing about the pink stripe on the morn glory. I also love your African violet. I remember being able to grow them outdoors in summer when I lived in Montgomery AL. They loved that humid/moist climate! It's always neat to see your framing jobs.
