Sunday, September 20, 2015


I think this is the most unusual summer for us to experience for a long time. Good moisture all summer.  Ample rain for the growing season was good.  Temperatures varied from hot to cold all summer. So when I walk outside and see these blue morning glories blooming for the first time I was shouting.  That is so amazing.  I posted other shots of the red ones and the blue ones on my Photo a Day Blog.

I couldn't stop taking photos of the blues.  The two colors of reds that started blooming two days are just remarkable.  A mixed batch of different colors of seed makes the whole process a gamble.  Even though it so late in the season for them to bloom, it was worth the wait.  Have a good day today.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. What fun to see the Heavenly Blue Morning Glories...they are wonderful! :)
