Saturday, October 31, 2015

Begging for Candy........

Halloween night and beggars night in our town are the same.  Most other towns had beggars night last night.  I will camp out next to the front door and dole out the candy.  If they want to give me a joke fine. If they act like spoiled brats they only get two pieces.  If they are sweet and bashful they get three pieces.  My game, my rules as some people say.  We won't be very warm and I will have to go out and clear leaves from the sidewalk even they will walk across the yard and never hit the sidewalk.  My photo is an abstract, informal view of the best food on earth.  Ok, so it isn't food but I can try to get some nourishment from some of the candy.

My post with a ball finial has weathered well making it have a nice natural look. I have shot pictures of it before but this is a different angle with the hosta presenting a line design on the ground.

A nice young man helped us today at Best Buy to find a replacement battery for my camera. The camera has a rechargeable battery which became old and wouldn't take a charge anymore.  I searched their site before we went in to the store and they did have it.  My battery that came with the camera was already a year old when I got it.  I never really checked it out because I figured it would be a long time battery.  Searching on the online internet manual, I found on page 71 that the rechargeable batteries do wear out and that if I were to take a major trip that I should buy a spare battery.  That kind of says rechargeable isn't meaning a long lived one and there isn't any reliability.

My camera battery is charging as I write this so I can't get any more new photos off the camera for now.  I will just post a short blog today and wish you all a great day.  We gain back that hour that they stole from us way back when.  I hope we can sleep in tomorrow morning.


  1. We always have Halloween on Halloween! Country folk don't pay much attention to what bigger towns do! I like your is all good:)

  2. I am related to a whole tribe of people who believe as you do that candy is the best food on earth. I am not going to argue with any of you, so enjoy !

    Rechargeable batteries are not high on my list of really reliable things and I would definitely take a few extra batteries if I went traveling or on an extended vacation and the pictures I took were important to me.

    Love the goldfish pic !
