Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sunday Afternoon...........

It is warm today with a perfect fall day.  We are sitting at 75 degrees F. right now in the afternoon. Floatind leaves in the water and sticks falling from the trees because of the wind.

A volunteer tree from the neighbor lot west of us has great fall leaf color.  The trees that are still standing over there have these large yellow leaves that blow down to us all fall.

The young man and his wife bought the property about three years ago.  He immediately cut down two of the very historic trees that lined the street.  No one knows why.  He did make his mark and leave as his divorce is forcing him to move out and those trees are only memories.

Looking through the red maple the photo shows our fluffy clouds in the sky.  Leaves are sure building up underfoot out there.  I may have to mow in the evenings after I get off work.  It will be warm so I can mulch some of them.

The crop of last tomatoes that I brought in weeks ago are now turning into ripened tomatoes. They are small but they are good.  It was not a great year for tomatoes this year but we didn't get skunked.

I appreciate your stopping by today at my post.  Have a good day.

1 comment:

  1. I love the colors of fall, so thanks for sharing! I thought I wouldn't see much of fall color in New Mexico, but we have plenty, although our winds have been stripping them off before I can get a nice photo.
    Your tomatoes look great! Wish I could come by and beg a few!
